yeah some people dont realise that consoles are catching up on pc...
i mean frame rate and resolution are only a pc`s redeeming factors when comparing both and are much much more in price
its not like i was 5 years ago lol
and ps5 or xbx1x or what ever they call it will be even better frames and lets face facts here there is a not a hell of a lot of difference between real 4k and the consoles 4k not when your sat 10 feet away from a 55" OLED lol
To me they not even in the same league.
Look at the size of the steam, origins, uplay, battlenet, gog etc. game library, add emulators and compare that to any console, no comparison. The entire library can mostly be paid on a single PC, BC kings.
That to me has always been the prime advantage of PC, alongside the free online. Things like better possible performance are nice but always been secondary benefits.
Not to mention that you can mod games on PC. Which can greatly enhance games.
The advantages I considered of consoles, is the few exclusives (this gen exclusives have been very poor by console standard tho, xbox one not a single exclusive has interested me, and ps4 only a few.), lower cost of entry, and the convenience of not worrying about installing an OS etc.
As an example last gen.
early xbox360 life, tales of vesperia, star ocean 4, blue dragon, lost oddysey, nier, fable 2, fable 3 (when microsoft made games other than driving and FPS) in addition all the arcade classic titles on xbox live store.
ps3, star ocean 4 international edition, enhanced tales of vesperia, eternal sonata, various other tales games, and more
Both consoles also got the ff13 trio of games (these did hit the PC but took several years so was a very extended timed exclusive, star ocean 4 also, but that came after ps4 gen launched so extremely delayed).
This gen xbox one not got a single jrpg exclusive, and ps4 most jrpg are also on PC.
Looks like not even any western rpg exclusives either.