Who knows. It doesn't take that long to find stability, not now the bios is better anyway. Latency means little to ryzen right until you hit 3200 then it has a part to play.
Good to know, thanks I need 32gb though so I suspect that 3200mhz is out of my reach at this time... hence I'm keen for any news that might resolve this ^^; I'll just keep my eye out over the next couple of weeks.
Technically speaking for best stability you should wait till is end of life. Unless your in a hurry, wait a few more months, or even zen+.
I can wait until Covfefe Lake hits to see the benchmarks, but tbh I really need to pick something at that point. My favourite games are bottlenecking quite badly to the point where I've stopped playing them due to it not being fun any more; problem is that two are tied by single-thread performance, and the other yearns for more cores, so I don't have an obvious "right choice" CPU at this time Flip side, I also work on this PC, sometimes with 100-200mb graphics files, and it absolutely must NOT crash during the long save process. The software is solid, but I can't risk a platform that isn't 100% stable.