Time for an update as I have just MOT'd the car and had some fun it around Silverstone.
I have had this car for just over 3 years and have added around 21,500 miles in that time. It has been a superb car and by and large very reliable. A consistency has been the disappointing service offered by now 4 Mercedes dealers, which just as you think they have it sorted, they mess up. Good news as it goes in for a service shortly....so I am sure it will be find this time.....
Major issues were damper replacement early days and engine mounts later days, which were covered by warranty and down to sensor issues in the main. Llast year I had a front seatbelt buckle replaced which was due to an airbag sensor coming on passenger side telling me there was an airbag issue. I felt at the time this was unlikely to be the cause, but computer said yes, so that too was done under warranty. Few weeks later, error message is back which is intermittent so seems I was right. Collecting the car after said repair I found the fire extinguisher sitting in the footwell not in its cradle.....and the seatbelt not attached to the side of the seat a few weeks later when the first passenger got in. See paragraph above...that was dealer 4.
It is a fantastic fast car that is very very fast on road and track. It needs warm weather, but when up to temperature the Cup tyres come to life and it removes any traction issues you associate with RWD and 600bhp and just goes. The torque levels are immense so means from low down it just pulls and means it's easy to exploit compared to something like a GT3 which you need to be on the revs to get it to come to life. Overtaking puts a smile on your face at how easy it is and though 0-60 of around 3.5 is nothing to shout about these days.....0-100 in 6.8 shows what how fast it really is.
The nose goes where you point it road and track and the 4WS really make it feel super sharp, but does need getting use to. On track after 3-4 laps at pace the Cup's can start to show their heat and I saw them rise by 6-7 psi which needs managing else it goes all slip slide. Brakes too are exceptional and these don't fade, but heat transfer into the wheels which when on it mean to hot to touch, can throw off wheel weights!
I love the low down driving position, love the bucket seats, love the ability to set up dampers, throttle, gearbox and traction and have it well sorted for road use (soft dampers, manual, sports traction). It also sounds incredible and how it got legal sign off is still beyond me. It will make people jump, it really cracks and banks on overrun and bellows like NA V8 under hard acceleration. Tyres where inside out and need to be watched as from a quick check will look fine and can be cords inside.
Things I don't like is it can be a bit creaky first thing. Roll bar and door rubbers the worst offenders but when warmed up it's all fine. In the heavy rain it's dangerous frankly and needs careful care all round and in torrential parking and coffee. It drinks fuel when used hard, Silverstone saw around 4mpg but on a long run to Devon 26mpg which is fantastic really. It will super cruise so in comfort sort of puts itself in neutral on downhill throttle of situations. Services are sensible too, cheapest being less Thant 400 quid, most expensive 1400ish (as I recall) and warranty is around £1,400 which has more than paid for itself. Tyres circa £1500 for a set.
In terms of road presence and interest to others like no car Ive had before. Lots of windows down and thumbs up and lots of "wow looks at that" faces from people coming the other way. It does tend to get a few idiot boy racers who want to sit 1 inch from your bumper thumbs up when I just want them to @@@@ off and get back a few feet.
So all in all great fun and more fun to come. Ring in July, road trip this Friday for a friends 50th and more smiles as 2024 goes on. No plans to change or sell, but let's see what tomorrow brings.