Amnesia: The Dark Descent

yeah im hard as nails me,lol, just never found a game frightening, i think some people are going a tad over the top, or they are just pussies, those new men wimpy types, with there flouncy feminine haircuts.

How far did you get?

Play it in the dark with your headphones on.

And play up to and after the dungeon. Doesn't take long to get there. If you're still hard as nails, then I just don't believe you. :p
How far did you get?

Play it in the dark with your headphones on.

And play up to and after the dungeon. Doesn't take long to get there. If you're still hard as nails, then I just don't believe you. :p

Yeah i done that on my first time playing it. i'm just glad i was wearing my brown
pants. Haven't played it since.
How far did you get?

Play it in the dark with your headphones on.

And play up to and after the dungeon. Doesn't take long to get there. If you're still hard as nails, then I just don't believe you. :p
Hows this for hard, in the dark earphones on, in a large emtpy building off the beaten track in some woods, totally alone, with a massive eletrical storm going on??

Yes i played the whole game
oh ok, then, in an empty building in the middle of the night, with no earphones on, because its where i work

So you work in the pavillion in Reigate Priory I take it? That big well-lit, brand-new public building situated next to a large school with acres upon acres of open land?

And what electrical storm? I live nearby... there hasn't been one in ages! :confused:
Hows this for hard, in the dark earphones on, in a large emtpy building off the beaten track in some woods, totally alone, with a massive eletrical storm going on??

Yes i played the whole game

And you felt nothing?

I never asked if you did. I bet you didn't. :p
Entering the Cellar Archives I just froze solid while something approached me in the water :eek:

Those that have played the demo would probably have a better understanding of this section.

After coming through the Archive Tunnels I felt like I was in a cold sweat. There's now some relatively calming music playing while I'm stood at the base of the stairs after just having entered the Back Hall. Taking a break already!
Consider yourself lucky, I just arrived in the Cellar Archives heard the splashing jumped out the water on to a table and promptly the lamp ran out of oil and plunged me in to darkness :(

That's where he remains until I dare to go back!
I've been pretty frugal with my oil so far. Probably overly so, running around in the dark a bit too much.

My progress is so slow, though. Super cautious. Fat lot of good that did me in the previous section. Now I've met some proper darkness in the Storage area. Bye bye lamp oil and tinderboxes :(
Damn just tried the demo and its spooky as hell. I would hate to play with lights off and headphones lol.

Stupid lamp runs out too much. Where's a good flash light when you need one.

I got kinda stuck (cellar archives) running from this thing thats invisible and splashes in the water. Got trapped at a dead end where books are. Saved then quit as cba to play anymore and dont think id go back in it. Not really my kinda game i just wanted to try it for the physics stuff.
I finished the full game, playing it on 24" with audio-technica headphones at night.

Yeah, I've got balls of steel.

(not really, it took me almost 2 months : )).

Good for them really like this game.

This also sounds interesting:

"We are also hard at work with our new game which we are extremely excited about. While we still do not want to disclose to much, our goal is to take "experience based gameplay" to another level. We aim to use the emotions that Amnesia was able to provoke and to focus them in a different direction, which will hopefully give delightfully disturbing results."
^ I did that, never found it scary and i ended up uninstalling it after feeling very nausated!. As a migraine sufferer this game was not friendy :(
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