An age old question answered

I think I remember having this. Remember a strap and dual compartments, but don't remember ever changing the nozzel setting. I would also have been too young at the time of this release and I'm pretty sure my parent wouldn't have got me one the largest ones. But as soon as I saw it remember running around with the strap on and getting soaked in fights as it took that long to pressurise.
I had the monster with the water backpack. It was devistating, but the weight of the water caused the thin straps to cut into you. Sadly the plastic build quality wasn't for longevity and it would leak. Good Times.
I had an original super soaker 100 in the 90s as a kid, love it. I remember my neighbour who was A few years older, maybe 12 or 13 had a super soaker 500 or maybe 2000.
I quickly learned putting my finger over the end of our outside hosepipe would always make me the winner :D
When I was a kid, we used to use fairy liquid bottles filled with water to squirt each other, that was if we couldn't afford to buy a water pistol from the shops at Clifton Hatch.

Showing our ages somewhat but yup that was my childhood too. Super soakers weren’t even a draft idea at that point lol.

I remember having a couple of water-pistol type things like that image, all the other kids have super soakers that could shoot you from miles away. I just pretended I was the terminator and charged through it firing my silly little water handguns in dual-wield.

...At least I felt like a badass.
Yep, was to poor, had these, the cap would always snap off where you filled it up
When I was a kid, we used to use fairy liquid bottles filled with water to squirt each other, that was if we couldn't afford to buy a water pistol from the shops at Clifton Hatch.

Good clean fun :cool:
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