An Akasa Eclipse slow build ZZZAC

Looks good, one beast of a cooler, and black/white fans are much better looking. Had you any bother getting the mobo tray back in with the cooler mounted? I can remember my TRUE black just about scraped the frame of the case when installing the tray.
Looks good, one beast of a cooler, and black/white fans are much better looking. Had you any bother getting the mobo tray back in with the cooler mounted? I can remember my TRUE black just about scraped the frame of the case when installing the tray.

I took it of the tray and installed it in the case just in case mate!
I dont have a tray cut-out so it meant taking the board up and then rebuilding when the heat sink was on.
i have a feeling it would have just made it if the fans wernt on.
My akasa nero was 160mm and this is 165mm i think, maybe slightly taller.
Results are good
Idling at about 34 degrease
and loads to about 43 degrease (after 2 hours straight of large fft prime 95)

and the rams good! i really needed an upgrade! i was hitting nearly up too 3gb ram out of games and was easily maxing it in games! the 2133mhz at the price point is a good bonus for me two.
But there were order problems hence my cables are going to be in the post asap... then i have to calculate how much i can spend....
Looks great ZZZAC!!! :D

What are you going to do with the HDD though? (With regards to vibrations)
A complement from Cleeecooo. I must be doing well ;)

Yeah, it depends im thinking isolate it in a 5.25" bay but i may also want a fan controller so.... unless i could squeeze it in behind the fan controller.
Otherwise ill have to add the 3.5" drive cages to the rig and have it in there.
But i was under the assumption the fans i have would be nice and loud, but on pmw there silent and my temps are stupidly good.
so i may not bother, im just wondering were i can source two matching white and black fans.....? they look allot better but i wasn't expecting them. :D
A complement from Cleeecooo. I must be doing well ;)


I'm not a hypocrite, my only reason for criticising you so harshly earlier was because you listened to advice... then did the exact opposite >.<

You could put some foam under it? (Think Shoggy Sandwich style)

I'm not a hypocrite, my only reason for criticising you so harshly earlier was because you listened to advice... then did the exact opposite >.<

You could put some foam under it? (Think Shoggy Sandwich style)

its already sat on paxmate! :)
i know i was stupid before and imature, aswell as incredibly ignorant. Though being reckless has only seen me forward 90% off the time. There was solid advice on that msi board and the graphics cards choice.... and not listening to the advice on that msi board cost me a great chip....
But yeah, im not so ignorant, and a damn lot more about components at the moment. Still disappointed with myself i cheeped on the locked cpu but my rig is running very very well now! :)
Edit: looked at the spec and price of matching fans and wont need a fan controller :)
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find a way to isolate the hard drive

Bungee mod. There's a Thread in the case Forum.

This is what I did on my old eclipse. I took out the floppy & hard drive bays as well.


Edit: Ignore
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Bungee mod. There's a Thread in the case Forum.

This is what I did on my old eclipse. I took out the floppy & hard drive bays as well.


BTW you have the CPU cooler the wrong way round in the case.

nope.... the heatsink is not the wrong way round..... ive explained it in a previous post... + the fan direction is correct hence it makes not a single degrease of difference.
Fans on! (set in pull-push-pull so i can access all ram slots, as i may go 16gb)

Nice idea, thinking more of something like this

anyone know were i can get a sleeved usb2.0 internal cable (headers on each end) preferably black?
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Ignore me, I was referring to the pic on page one of this thread, I did not see the new cooler. :rolleyes::o

actually by the time id cable tied the fan on last time i realised it was just fighting the exhuast... i was meant to put it in pull not push but derped out.... and i know the fans on the wrong side.... i couldn't be bothered to sort it out, the heat sinks trashed. missing a fin. lodsa fins are bent
no way of mounting a fan.ect
well, its sorted now ;)
Not in a happy place right now.
Saphire haven't accepted my RMA on my 7970. Worse is they didnt accept it because 2 pins on the dvi port dont seem to be there, no sing of bending or snapping.
And furthermore i dont believe it to be the route cause of the failure of the card. im sure i tested other outputs, and didnt get a display from them either.
Well if it turns out to just be the dvi port, then ill replace the dvi port. else saphire have screwed me on the card that was meant to provide a big chunk of this builds budget, and it may be completely borked.
so yeah
will try get an update soon
i may need to replace a dvi port on a graphics card though.
Braiding update today anyone? ;)
EDIT: Out of solder, broken soldering iron, out of tape, out of heat shrink. and out of energy.
probably need to go to town to get some modding supply's today :)
EDIT2: ive actually broken my budget... i cant afford what i was hoping to get- hence things will get even slower :(
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So, last night i got some new extensions, no heat shrink, and more fabric than my cheapy set, all in all, happy chappy :D

Plated the 6 pins

quality of braid comparison

24pin and 8 pin in- realised i wouldn't be able to get the fan on the back without taking the motherboard out, so i shoved it on the front. DERP

quick break?

eventually i got to the time consuming front panel and usb connectors.

oh, and braided sata power (need to braid the sata cable black too! (or replace it)
I still have the power LED's and hard drive led's to do, but im out of solder and heatshrink so that will have to come another time.

and i leave you with a side panel on picture
Right, im looking for advice on what vinyl wrap should use, so ima throw a few pictures at you and see witch ones are more popular
only the outer panels will remain black, i may have my second chassis power coated sometime in the future- (not for a while).
Two of my mates have suggested a fully flat black wrap

I thought white carbon would be cool- i do think its a little too full on for my build.

Black carbon would suite my build but its pretty generic by now and its been done before.

And finely this, i think it looks the dogs danglers, as well as would suite the case- especially after the shaded acrylic is put in, but im doing this to get feedback and other peoples ideas

- After a massive delay
Sapphire have accepted the RMA on my 7970 :D
meaning i have to sell it and will have the money to spend on my rig soooN!
so- the build will be staled for up to another fortnight but i haven't given up!
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