An Akasa Eclipse slow build ZZZAC

Nice work on that Eclipse, kind of makes me want to get my old one down from the loft.

I wonder if there's been a single Eclipse that hasn't had someone take a dremel to it :D
Nice work on that Eclipse, kind of makes me want to get my old one down from the loft.

I wonder if there's been a single Eclipse that hasn't had someone take a dremel to it :D

i brought mine dremeled to hell, thought id add to it ;)
though i have a solar eclipse thats perfectly non cut up :D
Eclipses aren't right unless the've had a good dremeling :D

I took great...

big chunks...

out of mine!

Really tempted to get it out of the loft and give it a good renovation after reading your thread :o

ive hit i fanatical failure in this build- even though there's not much to go i dont have the money to do it!
i vow to you all im not giving up, just going even slower :o
replacement 7950 is finely here, pictures up later, not tht it looks much different! :)
Had two eclipses, neither had a dremel near them though. Still using one and it's in pristine condition. Well, apart from a bit of dust.:D
Had two eclipses, neither had a dremel near them though. Still using one and it's in pristine condition. Well, apart from a bit of dust.:D

my brother just got a mirage in the post, smashed to bits- screw you city link!
then gain the packaging wasnt much more than bit of cardborad :L
Nothing specail, but as i mentioned my replacement graphics card is here!


sorry bout the dirty side panel and lack of progress, The rma replacement card is far better, and not riddled with design faults, got it 1200mhz bench stable, but it has a low asic (70%) so needs more volts than afterburner is willing to give it lol
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