An Audience With...the Pope

What that article forgets to say, is that he was/is doing a public audience that day, which means anyone can go see him.

or at least that's what the bbc where saying a few days ago.
TBH i hope they find the girl.

Then take all the kids off the parents due to them leaving them in a hotel room in a foreign country by them selves.
Kate and Gerry McCann are also planning to visit countries including Spain, Germany, the Netherlands and Morocco to raise awareness about their daughter.

Good to see them spending the money people donated so wisely...
platypus said:
This has descended past lunacy now.

Yep the book and film will be out soon. Really sad. I agree with the donations for a finders reward but the fighting fund etc, that money will never see the light of day again.

It always grated on me when one of the Soham fathers lined his pockets with a book, charity donations are great if they ever then get used correctly.
Someone please give the damm kid back this has gone beyond madness. I can't believe how much publicity this whole episode as got!
It's really irritating to hear it everywhere.
Super Tigers said:
Philip Green, the Arcadia and BHS billionaire, Britain's fourth richest man and Tax-exile residing in Monaco has kindly lent them his private plane to fly to see the pope.

Rob H

Perhaps he'll give them some new outfits as well, wouldn't do to look scruffy in front of the Pope.
Its sad very sad she was kidnapped (and is probably dead now,) but I am getting a bit sick of it being all over the news now, this morning we had a video clip of her climbing up the stairs to get on the plane - why?
And how is the Pope going to help, I wasnt aware he had been in Portugal and might have been a witness?
Did Ben Needham get this much attention all those years back, No.
Have 1200 other kids gone missing in the world since Maddy did, Yes.
Are they getting the same attention, No.
Are there kids dying of diahrrhoea in Africa right now, Yes
Do they get so much attention, No
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What's the likelyhood that she's still alive? Slim to none IMHO.

Even if she is do you think the Pope'll know where she is? Maybe he's hiding her!
The parents are morons for leaving the kids on thier own. They don't deserve to have kids if they can't be bothered to look after them properly. What do they expect from the Pope? Gee....
It was the same with those two girls a few years back, the girls in the football shirts that Ian Huntley killed. Just a big media circus focussed on one or two kids - yes it's awful that they were taken/killed - but what about all the other kids that go missing or are murdered or molested each year, do any of them get the same dedication?

The most ridiculous thing I remember about those other girls was hearing that a supportline had been setup for people who were affected by the incident, and they were getting calls from as far away as Australia, none of these people ever met her or knew who she was before the media told them.
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