An Idiot Abroad 2

Is KP really that stupid or is it scripted?

If it is scripted, then I might watch, if not, I will give it a miss.

Cannot be bothered with people who are that stupid.
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First one was hit and miss for me, I really enjoyed some episodes and others were just a drag to get through. Also I was constantly thinking it was scripted which affected my enjoyment a little bit. I did enjoy the free podcasts that they gave away, really funny stuff. :)
First one was hit and miss for me, I really enjoyed some episodes and others were just a drag to get through. Also I was constantly thinking it was scripted which affected my enjoyment a little bit. I did enjoy the free podcasts that they gave away, really funny stuff. :)

Some of it was, some of it wasn't, him on the bus in China was clearly not/fireworks in Mexico but the terrorist training in Israel was.

You have to be an idiot to not know which bits are and are not! Its better than watching Corrie or Eastenders.
Is KP really that stupid or is it scripted?

A bit of both.
He's a very clever man but comes out with stupid ideas and Merchant & Gervais can push him up the right path to make it funnier.
If you listen to the old XFM shows you can hear the progression of his character and what a funny character it is.
Listen to some of his Monkey News stories on You Tube to hear how weird he can get but the even funnier thing is that some people think that Pilkington believes his own Monkey News stories :)
I think most of what Karl says is not scripted. The stories about his past and things that have happened to him that week etc. They are the best bits of the XFM shows and podcasts imo.

The Monkey news is obviously scripted. Along with the back and forth role playing with Ricky, that usually ends with Karl shouting something mildly amusing and Ricky laughing so loud I have to turn my hifi down :p.

Scripted or not I still find it funny. Can't wait for these shows, its been a while since anything worth watching has been on. Although I am more looking forward to the 4th season of the Ricky Gervais show that is supposed to have new content. Season 3 with old material will also be worth a watch.
As others have stated, some parts are clearly scripted. But on the whole Karls attitude seems very genuine. It's not that he is extremely thick, he just has really weird ideas and is often very blunt with some topical subjects. A lot of the time being very un-PC. (i often agree with him).

He's clearly not an idiot if he managed to get himself into a decent career position. I just find he has strong and odd opinions and doesn't hold back in telling people them, often in situations where one should be being a bit more tactful.

And obviously Gervais and Merchant wind him up to get him to be even more outspoken about these thoughts of his.

The first time I heard him was on the extras in Gervais Politics dvd. I was in stiches when he tried to explain the definition of infinity to Karl who was having none of it.
What did everyone think of the show lastnight?

I liked it a lot however I didnt find it as funny as the episodes last season, I couldnt believe was really saw Karl laughing, that was like the first time ever.
I really hope we see Karl enjoying himself a little bit more than the last season.

I know that's not really the point of the show, but i think you could see him starting have a breakdown in last nights show. The laughing on the phone was weird i thought.

Anyway "Eggs on legs"
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