An Idiot Abroad 2

scripted or not, that has to be extremely stressful doing what he is doing in this show. Not to mention all the travelling he has to do. He is probably constantly tired and jet lagged.
I haven't got sky one or two anymore, is there anywhere i can watch the series online?

I thought they conveyed his terror on the bungee jump quite well and his land dive was epic. It was a good start though, looking forward to the rest.
Really enjoyed the 1st episode.
Plenty of laughs.

Would prefer to see less of them trying to stress him out though and more just putting him in situations were he can come out with his crazy comments. I guess this will come out more during the series.

I just love his flippant, un PC comments and observations.
So you really believe that Karl has no idea what he is going to be doing before he gets there?

Of course I know he does :rolleyes:. But that's not my point at all. I find him funnier when he is making comments about the locals, their cultures and things. (which there was in this episode) but I don't find it as funny during the parts where he is complaining about being stressed out and tired etc.

This is why i loved the podcasts so much as it was all just his comments and thoughts.
This episode was still really funny but it had a bit too much of him complaining. This is still funny but not when saturated with it, best kept in moderation. He has plenty funny things to talk about so it's not necessary.

Regardless, it's still the funniest thing on TV!
It went exactly how i thought it would.....wasnt as funny as the first series, some of it was very predictable.

I will probably watch the rest of the series to see if it picks up (some episodes in series one were not amazing either) but i fear it has now lost its edge.
I caught this last night. First time I seen the show all the way through. Erm...can someone explain to is an act right? Karl is acting in character to "be funny"...correct? I found bits of it hilarious tbh but didn't know quite what to make of it in places.
I caught this last night. First time I seen the show all the way through. Erm...can someone explain to is an act right? Karl is acting in character to "be funny"...correct? I found bits of it hilarious tbh but didn't know quite what to make of it in places.

Yes & no.
He has most definitely got some weird thoughts/ideas on life and sometimes listening to him is like listening to a couple of mates and my younger daughter.
For example when looking at the Giza Pyramids my daughter just shrugged her shoulders and said 'So what, lots of bricks?' while I was having an orgasm.
I have no doubt that Karl probably thinks the same but what he does is to make some funny quips to go along with the experience and some of them I 100% believe are scripted by Merchant & Gervais.
At the start of this series he went over the top in the office meeting when he mentioned Robinson Carusoe but it made it funny for me because some people believe that he believes it which makes them great people to sell double glazing to.
Yes & no.
He has most definitely got some weird thoughts/ideas on life and sometimes listening to him is like listening to a couple of mates and my younger daughter.
For example when looking at the Giza Pyramids my daughter just shrugged her shoulders and said 'So what, lots of bricks?' while I was having an orgasm.
I have no doubt that Karl probably thinks the same but what he does is to make some funny quips to go along with the experience and some of them I 100% believe are scripted by Merchant & Gervais.
At the start of this series he went over the top in the office meeting when he mentioned Robinson Carusoe but it made it funny for me because some people believe that he believes it which makes them great people to sell double glazing to.

They did a good job choose someone with a Manchester accent too. Just makes it even funnier.
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