In fact I owe you an apology in this instance, and offer it now. Here is the quote I was remembering:I'd like to see that quote please otherwise apologise for lying.
I have never ever said that.
I'm all for their rights. In fact they have a lot of rights where I am based. I am a properly fully registered landlord within each district council and for each individual property.
I fully expect you now to ignore your mistake and forget to apologise. Which shows renters like yourself are extremely selfish beings who don't care about the facts.
This sort of comment is just madness and is quite annoying as someone who has sunk a very large proportion of my families money into property.
The house which a tenant rents is not their house, it is the owners house. If i want one of my properties back, then i will have it back, it is mine, it is not my tenants and i would expect that tenant to leave should i ever want it, within the bounds of the AST. There is this constant narrative that a tenant should somehow have some rights over a property beyond privacy within their tenancy period. Why should they?, again, it is not their property, it is the owners! I will also reserve the right to charge whatever i like for the use of my property - it is mine, bought with my money, it is no more the tenants than my own residential house, cars, or anything else is. The tenant can refuse to pay, that on the flip side is absolutely their prerogative.
Not sure what you mean about tax rates either, income derived from property is already taxed at your marginal rate if taken personally.
I had attributed this to you but having searched the thread it wasn't you at all.