Oh. My. God.
This is by far, and I do mean by far, the best Star Wars TV show ever made. It's like someone just said "**** it, here's an unlimited budget and I want you to hire the best writers, to get the best directors, to cast the best actors possible and wrap it all up with special effects on the level of or better than a AAA movie like Bladerunner.
It is Star Wars in a way we have never seen because it is the only time someone has tried to really do it from a perspective that is very serious and very detailed, and it is truly glorious. It is the intelligent, thoughtful and inspiring TV series that old-skool Star Wars fans have been dreaming about but have never had chance to envison, because all we have been fed for years is turgid crap. The script is sublime, the casting is nigh-on perfect for every character I have seen, with some heavyweight British actors used throughout, and it is clear that everyone in this series cares about and believes in it because the effort they are putting into every scene is nothing short of 100% of their abilities. The Imperial scenes are astounding, this seem exactly how it would be and I have not questioned or sighed at anything I have ever seen; my suspension of disbelief is complete. In fact it is the same feeling when I saw the first season of Game Of Thrones, it is that level of quality, probably better due to how consistently great the writing and script are.
The Mandalorian had some good moments, it was the best Star Wars effort in years, but ultimately it was also full of gimmicks, groanworthy humour and some bad writing throughout both seasons, with season 2 bring the worst offender. At the time I thought it was good because I was just so desperate to watch a Star Wars series that wasn't ****, and I was genuinely happy with the "decent" experience that it delivered. Andor is so far on another level that it isn't even fair to compare them.
To all those complaining that Andor show is "boring and slow", I immediately know what type of movie and series watcher you are and it's part of the reason why many show creators are afraid to take chances and not treat us like idiots. Thankfully, Andor is proof that if studios ignore what is 'popular' and instead focus on simply creating the best they can do then we can get good things now and in future. The people who created Andor need to be given all Star Wars content from now on, whether TV series or movie.
Simply astounding, I almost can't believe it.
The older fanbase never truly 'leave' star Wars, they lie dormantly in wait until they encounter a glimmer of hope. Of course exercise your right not to watch this, but by not doing so you are simply cutting off your nose to spite your face. Chronologically this is a direct prequel series to the awesome Rogue One, which is itself a direct prequel movie to the hallowed original trilogy. Regardless of what has happened to scar us in the last years, I'm not sure it gets much better than this and to skip it is imo folly..................and yet because Lucasfilm have been pumping out utter dross for years it feels like much of the older fanbase has by now left the SW fandom, so they'll never see how genuinely good this appears to be from your post. For example I was really keen and eager to watch this from the first trailers, but then after a producer (I think) went on a "this is about Trump" rant during an interview, I instantly lost all appetite to watch it and I still haven't and probably never will, not because I think it's badly made or full of objectionable material but purely because after that rant I realised just don't care about "modern" Star Wars and the people who make it any more.
Like someone leaving a bad relationship, I still remember the epically good times at the start and use those as an excuse to accept the last decade of bad stuff until I finally left and broke contact and now, rather than getting constantly annoyed by the actions of "New SW", its all in the rear view mirror as I walk away and never look back and I think many of the older fans feel the same way, as seen by Andors viewing figures and just the general "Urgh........" people now have when discussing this New SW era.
Oh. My. God.
This is by far, and I do mean by far, the best Star Wars TV show ever made. It's like someone just said "**** it, here's an unlimited budget and I want you to hire the best writers, to get the best directors, to cast the best actors possible and wrap it all up with special effects on the level of or better than a AAA movie like Bladerunner.
It is Star Wars in a way we have never seen because it is the only time someone has tried to really do it from a perspective that is very serious and very detailed, and it is truly glorious. It is the intelligent, thoughtful and inspiring TV series that old-skool Star Wars fans have been dreaming about but have never had chance to envison, because all we have been fed for years is turgid crap. The script is sublime, the casting is nigh-on perfect for every character I have seen, with some heavyweight British actors used throughout, and it is clear that everyone in this series cares about and believes in it because the effort they are putting into every scene is nothing short of 100% of their abilities. The Imperial scenes are astounding, this seem exactly how it would be and I have not questioned or sighed at anything I have ever seen; my suspension of disbelief is complete. In fact it is the same feeling when I saw the first season of Game Of Thrones, it is that level of quality, probably better due to how consistently great the writing and script are.
The Mandalorian had some good moments, it was the best Star Wars effort in years, but ultimately it was also full of gimmicks, groanworthy humour and some bad writing throughout both seasons, with season 2 bring the worst offender. At the time I thought it was good because I was just so desperate to watch a Star Wars series that wasn't ****, and I was genuinely happy with the "decent" experience that it delivered. Andor is so far on another level that it isn't even fair to compare them.
To all those complaining that Andor show is "boring and slow", I immediately know what type of movie and series watcher you are and it's part of the reason why many show creators are afraid to take chances and not treat us like idiots. Thankfully, Andor is proof that if studios ignore what is 'popular' and instead focus on simply creating the best they can do then we can get good things now and in future. The people who created Andor need to be given all Star Wars content from now on, whether TV series or movie.
Simply astounding, I almost can't believe it.
Sorry to sound even more condescending, but I think you need to try and read and understand things a little more carefully because I did not write that Andor is old-skool Star Wars, I wrote: "It is the intelligent, thoughtful and inspiring TV series that old-skool Star Wars fans have been dreaming about".Condescending guff aside I'm not seeing what's so exceptional about it. This is nothing like "old school starwars".
I think he’s taking the **** lolCondescending guff aside I'm not seeing what's so exceptional about it. This is nothing like "old school starwars".
I am absolutely not 'taking the **** lol', though I can fully understand why some members may think that.I think he’s taking the **** lol
Sorry to sound even more condescending, but I think you need to try and read and understand things a little more carefully because I did not write that Andor is old-skool Star Wars, I wrote: "It is the intelligent, thoughtful and inspiring TV series that old-skool Star Wars fans have been dreaming about".
Obviously it is a different style and format to the original trilogy movies, but that does not make it any less of an accomplishment and what matters is the experience and how true it feels to the universe. It is not only staggeringly detailed but oozes atmosphere and authenticity. I consider it as genuinely ground-breaking for Star Wars and I think that as more people see it, the critical and fan reception will only continue to improve as it ages... assuming it can maintain this level of quality and consistency.
It's absolutely fine to agree to disagree.It's like they sucked all the soul of of starwars and made a series.
It's like they sucked all thesoulkiddy nonsense of starwars and made a series.
I am not sure what your definition of slow is (things certainly happened in Episode 1 and 2), but as you say no constant action is fine if what is happening on screen is meaningful and backed by good writing and acting. In episode 8 for example we got a look into how the Imperials, to make a point following the attack on their base, just start rounding up people for arbitrary sentencing to force them work in labour camps. This entire episode was so well thought out it was mind-blowing, the level of detail they go into with not only the helplessness of those while being sentenced, but how the underwater camp is structured and how it functions day in day out in a sterile and monotonous hell made me very happy because it just made me think "yep, I fully believe this is how it would be".I think people forget they were children once.
That "kiddy nonsense" is part of what made the original Star Wars good, back when I was a kid in the 80's.
Episodes 1,2 and 8 were slow as hell and I don't mind shows that take their time. Better Call Saul has loads of sequences/montages of monotonous stuff, but I never really considered that slow or boring.
The amount of careful thought and planning that has gone into each scene to make this as "realistic" as Star Wars can possibly get warms my heart. This is many times more cerebral, dark, grim and serious as any Star Wars that has ever come before it so I can understand why a lot of people are having trouble adjusting to it. The humour in this show is subtle, wry, dry and ironic and you have to find it yourself. It is so refreshing not to be treated like an idiot.![]()