Android WordFeud usernames

Haven't actually played the game since I installed it. Definitely up for a go though, haven't played Scrabble in years, so shouldn't be too hard to beat :P

u/n: Lum_UK
Best of 3 tbh :p

BTW I lost against that roulette guy, he's on +450 points now the soab! He takes a while playing turns but comes out with words I didn't know existed!
That guy does really annoy me. Its usually really short words that i'm sure aren't even words. I really hope someone on here whoops his ass. lol

I've had a problem with Wordfued recently, it wouldn't let me connect, so hadn't played any words for a few days.
Best of 3 tbh :p

BTW I lost against that roulette guy, he's on +450 points now the soab! He takes a while playing turns but comes out with words I didn't know existed!

yeah the joys of using these damn annoying american dictionaries! aaaanyway - always up for a game. rimsy
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