Android WordFeud usernames

Really enjoying this, had some great games so far, although the server must think I'm Welsh because I seem to get a constant barrage of L, W, Y, F and no vowels.. :(
Yup, I once some how managed to have 4 games with one person ¬_¬

Sounds like a good way to get the "best of 3" out of the way quickly. :p

Also, some people on this take DAYS to respond, obviously taking it very seriously... I take about 5 minutes unless I'm off doing something else... Probably why my win/lose ratio is about 3:2 at the moment.
I don't think I've ever seen scores of 400+ in a game of scrabble!

Strangefly and Sidman currently making me look like a pre-school student with a spelling problem! Not doing too badly against the other guys though!
Well I'm just about to win a game by default. I opened the game with the word "TIT" right in the middle of the board for impact. I think that put them off playing with me as they never made a move after that! :p
Really addicted to this game now, had some good laughs with some of the words that come up.

Glad to see "Nom" got me some points :p OmNomNom.
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