Android WordFeud usernames

I had to take a pic of my mate's phone after he played this against me. If he could have filled all seven letters it would have been 108 times whatever the points were (+40 bonus of course). As it was, he landed the X on a TL, and the TA on TW.

Needless to say, I should have resigned after this. But I like to see how games play out anyway.


edit: I just saw post #329. Ouch!!! :eek:
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I'll get games going with a few new people - sorry to mrk/offer for my slow turns lately!
Don't worry about it, I'm taking longer on a lot of mine these days. I just pick it up and play when I get the chance, that's the beauty of the game. I was away in Spain last week and some of my games automatically resigned - no bad thing as I was drowning in games. :p
My phone died a horrific death so my game with Khaaan was a long and slow one eventually ended.

Now i've got wordfeud on the TP (android :D full screen wordfeud goodness) im back.
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