Android WordFeud usernames

Sorry to the people I declined I didn't realise it was an ongoing thing and you can stretch it over a while. Sorry for the slowness of my games. Not sure who everyone is, I'm currently rating benjo woop, but I'm not doing so well against theotheroption. Other game hasn't really got going yet lol. Enjoying this loads though. I just know my dad is going to get a san fran just for this app though lol.
The rape:

The second rape:

The draw:

Fortunately I haven't finished any of the ones I'm losing yet :p.
Nice avatar Russ!

Thanks ;).

Can we get some names for people that'd be interested in a little OcUK Wordfeud tourney? Nothing massive, just something extra to playing games.

Seeing as most people have a lot of free/bored time over the Christmas holidays it'd be good to start the first round on the 21st or thereabouts.

Would people prefer a knock-out style or play everyone interested and get points per game etc?
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