Android WordFeud usernames

How do you quit? We're nearly finished anyway...
I tell you what though, I need to stop making up words. I've been putting random vowels in places and seeing if it makes a word :)
need some more games on the go. Benjo hasn't been on in 23h now. These 3 I got going arent fast enough and I'm bored lol. If you want a game invite me, although I may fall asleep tonight lol but have day off tomorrow.
How do you quit? We're nearly finished anyway...
I tell you what though, I need to stop making up words. I've been putting random vowels in places and seeing if it makes a word :)
Go to menu and resign, I've done it in that game, I was well beaten and the board was very messed up :P

I also need to stop making u words :D

Getting a few games where the boards are mucked up usually stuck to the right. I always try to help there, when I start a new game I always put the first word as far left or up as possible :)

Also, this is the longest word I've played yet (travelling):


Anyone played anything longer?
I'm failing massively at this game.
I can't work out what dictionary it is using as many words used against me are nonsensical yet it refuses to let me use loads of valid words I try!
Skyfall's lucky win because I had a Q left :p.

Haha that was such a surprise for me :D

I put Oxygen ROM on last night, and now I don't get any notifications.
Should I uninstall and reinstall?
There's a kind of known bug with the notifications, try going into settings disabling notifications, going back to the list for a few secs then switching notifications back on...

If that doesn't work, which it didn't for me... Disable notifications, go to the list, then exit and kill the program, then re-open, should work.
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