Annoying words that people use

these words all annoy me:

Lysander said:
This morning I was talking to my girlfriend and it occured to me for the first time that she uses a fair amount of words that I've never known anyone else to use, but that really wazz me off.

The other day she described something as 'dreamy' and when something's particularly nice she'll say it's "to die for". This is also an expression my mum uses and it's really annoying!!

However, the word she uses the most that annoys me is when something's warm she says it's "toastie". As in, the "weather's so toastie today".

Is it just me or is that really infuriating?? Where do people get these words from and what makes them thing it's a good idea to use them??! How do I stop it other than stuffing a sock in her mouth for the best part of the day [or ball gag]?

I will now terminate my miserable existence. Goodbye.

joke, however, the thing that really annoys me isnt the word, its the use of it;

its the chavs that get me; zoot, hench, henny, next etc... yes the word next appearntly means like awesome or excellent or something

"that was some next zoot boi"
"shoulda seen this henny zoot i rolled"

or everytime you say something like

"yeah i went down the pub yesterday and saw andy"

they reply with "seen" i think its seen, might be scene.. not really sure lol

hate them

i must admit i do use "at the end of the day"

and i start like all my sentences with "yeah" which is just silly

"i saw reading get beaten yesterday"
"yeah, i didnt"

lol im a knob

and i say like to much

"i like, reckon we should go out"

omg and another chav one that just came to mind "imagine.."

"imagine.. i was standing there in the rain when.."
"imagine me, bob, harry and luke where at the park.."

its like WTF :mad:
Wtf is zoot?

Apart from this:

allllec said:
its the chavs that get me; zoot, hench, henny, next etc... yes the word next appearntly means like awesome or excellent or something

"that was some next zoot boi"
"shoulda seen this henny zoot i rolled"

or everytime you say so


Sounds like quotes from A Clockword Orange.

For me it's ******* "random".

"You doing anything this weekend?"

"Nothing planned, will probably go into town and do something random and cool"


I hate that word.
What annoys me yeah, is people yeah ,who keep saying yeah after every
sentance yeah :mad:

& the absolute multitude who don't know the difference between there & their

e.g :there friends didn't know they were their LOL
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Jonny69 said:
Someone I know ends every sentence with an inflexed "so..." followed by an intake of breath. She's a teacher and I find her infuriating.
You'd love the majority of people from my town then. Every sentence is finished with, "So I did" or "So it is" or "So I was" etc...

"I seen you yesterday up the town so I did, you were talkin to big Gerry so ye were. What's the craic with him anyway?"

"He's just out of hospital so he is, next time I'm talking to him I'll tell her you were askin about him so I will"

"No baw, I have to shoot on here so I do, I'll get talking to you later so I will"

"Bye so"

Psymonkee said:
Remind me not to send a memo to all airline pilots to say this and then fly via Heathrow....

Hehe, say it on the RT and you'll be getting radar vectors to the nearest mountain :p
Skeet is a word that really grinds my ears.

I don't even know what it means and already I want to bash my face against a brick wall every time I hear it.

Seconded on the hating of the word "like"; my sister says it all the time.

E.g. "so like, I was at school like and you know like how like you go into the toilets like yeah?" :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

That and people who say "is it?" as in "hey I had a pint down the pub today" "is it man?".

I just reply "it is, it is."
The absolute WORST one EVER, is the use of "Yeah?" at the end of a sentence. It's even worse when a boss uses it to enforce their opinion. It doesn't work with me because they keep repeating "Yeah?" while nodding their heads. Meanwhile I just stare blankly at them.
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