Annual clothing budget blown in a week.

I wore really old stuff out and about before I broke my anxiety and started buying clothes I liked.

So didn't really care what I wore. But I still bought my own stuff. Much of my prior disinterest in clothes was I just didn't like the standard look. But was too anxious about not fitting in. I now own no jeans.. Because I hate them. I always have.

Since breaking away though I actually enjoy picking out an outfit that like. Even if no one else likes it!

I've been buying my own clothes since I was 15 and mostly go for something unusual or not worn by the many*

*Yeah, I know, apart from the chavy gear I buy :cry:
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I'm convinced my OH is fashion blind and if around during the 70's would have bought a beige Austin Allegro with matching upholstery :cry:

I always wish mine would dress in less baggy stuff. Because she's dead skinny the baggy stuff seems... A waste!
But no. It's baggy and things like dungarees. I hate dungarees! Sometimes I get a leggings treat.. But not often enough!

Obviously I'd never ever tell her what to wear. Nor would she tell me
Is it? I think you're in a bit of a bubble. Charity shops are a big percentage of the clothing market and that's essentially the same thing.

I’m the one in a bubble :cry:

No adult I know is wearing their dads and their sisters boyfriends hand me downs.

If that works for you that’s fine but it’s certainly not common.
Charity shops is a bit different.
You can pick what you like and they only sell nearly new stuff.

Nah, the new stuff gets picked clean by the shop workers as soon as they come in. Most stuff is 5-10 years old, a lot older too.

I’m the one in a bubble :cry:

No adult I know is wearing their dads and their sisters boyfriends hand me downs.

If that works for you that’s fine but it’s certainly not common.

We all have different priorities in life I guess, got no interest in buying clothes at all. But again you clearly live in a bubble - you seem to think the used/pre-owned clothing market doesn't exist.
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But again you clearly live in a bubble - you seem to think the used/pre-owned clothing market doesn't exist.

No, I don't clearly think that so that's a reading comprehension failure on your part. I was speaking about your situation specifically, not the used/pre-owned clothing market in general.
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Nah, the new stuff gets picked clean by the shop workers as soon as they come in. Most stuff is 5-10 years old, a lot older too.

We all have different priorities in life I guess, got no interest in buying clothes at all. But again you clearly live in a bubble - you seem to think the used/pre-owned clothing market doesn't exist.

I think he means hand me downs.
Its very different to shopping on vinted/charity shops.
If I just wore my step dad's old tat I'd look like an American lumberjack.
Aldi have some £15 trekking sandals up today, may give them a bash for mooching
Well I did, I have seen them over this price in the charity shops and they look pretty hard wearing

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