***Anonymous Confessions Thread v3***

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I'd have set alight to their cars and driven them straight through their front ******* windows. Scummers.

Besides that... so who did your dad (allegedly) fiddle?
Nice story (the dad & papers one)! If real, good work, and fair play to you for only setting fire to their cars, I would have been more inclined to go for their houses! (/keyboardwarrior)
re: banjo. It involved my girlfriend as well. If I was fapping I wouldn't have got the strokes wrong, I think my girlfriend at the time wriggled a bit.
Last one was good but by the tone of the story we're definitely not getting the whole picture, and the author obviously thought it would corrupt our image of his story if he told the truth about the circumstance in which his family got into trouble in the first place.

Papers are hugely aware of defamation of character cases and the guy said nothing about suing the back off the publisher, add that together with the kind of things that would cause such a mob mentality and you've only got a small amount of options for what his Dad could have done.

I can see why you wouldn't want to associate that story with yourself!
The epic story one, I'm guessing their dad was accused of being a pedo?

The problem with being accused of being a paedophile, or rapist, or similar crimes is, in some people's eyes that automatically means you did it.

I'm not saying he either did or didn't, but we've all seen stories where someone has been accused and everyone's been convinced they've done it, and later evidence comes to light that proves otherwise.
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