***Anonymous Confessions Thread v3***

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Response to some of the posters regarding my confession (post 183) 1 st one, 2 nd guys a freak J You guys are well within your right to be angered about my confessions and I make no excuses. For most of you everything I have said will be alien but from where I grew up this was “normal” behaviour believe it or not. Let’s just say me and my group of friends were more civilised compared to some others we grew up with, well a lot more. If you want to know some of the stuff I’ve seen I’d be happy to share. I would just like to add all that I said happened was between the ages of 14-18 and under the influence of chronic (proper super skunk) and alcohol. It wasn’t about just being a **** or ***hole, it was more about having a “laugh”. For example you would get high smoking weed and then find **** do that you can all giggle at, which started small, like pranking a mate, but then got progressively worse to get the same rush or “laugh”. Where I grew up the normal “cool” thing to do was to smoke weed at that age and prat about, luckily I got out as soon as I started university. I know guys in their forties who were just like us but didnt “get out” and are still doing the smoke weed everyday life, no jobs, and broken homes. Another thing I’ve noticed is every generation is getting worse. My generation (now in there mid-twenties) were worse than the 80s kids. You have a look at this generation and boy these kids are wild, make us look like child’s play. There 14 –15 year olds now in my area who are firing off guns for “fun” believe it at not.
It's e asy for everyone to judge and say it’s no point feeling ashamed now etc, the world you guys grew up in is a completely different to what I experienced. One can only learn from his mistakes and change themselves for the better, which I’m proud to say I have. From my group of say 20 childhood friends, 2 are full time crack heads. At least 5 have served time or are serving time. 1 has been done for rape. There’s only about 4-5 of us left who pretty much got out clean and sorted our lives out. Its only when you see there is more to life than the ****hole you grew up in to realise you need to change and my escape was university. And to the guy who said “Stories like that don’t make you sound 'Hard' and utterly just make me want to beat you.” Sorry where did you get that from?, if you think that makes someone sound hard….. Anyhow ill leave you with one that I just remembered although I took no part in. A group of lads a little older than me took this other lad who was again a little bit slow. They used to just keep him around to “buzz” off as he was funny as ****. Anyhow one day he did something, cant remember what but I think he ****ed in one of these lads car by mistake. They ended up beating the **** out of him, stripping him naked and forced him to walk into a local fishyies and place an order completely stark naked on what was a very busy street full of shops, takeaways. The worst part was there was a cop station only a 100meters or so away yet no one cared. Luckily the shop owner showed him some mercy and gave him an apron to where and called the cops. Some other guy who ****ed off the “wrong types” found himself tied naked to a lamppost during rush hour. I know these two other lads, only live a few streets away from me who were known as “granny bashers”yes granny bashers. The two would wait on I think Tuesdays (or what ever days) that these grannies would get the pension/disability etc payments and ambush them in a field that they had to cross through to get to the post office. One of them is serving time for rape, the others done time but now out. They were also infamous for stealing “posh” kid’s phones from the local train station. Now if you compare these granny bashers to my group of mates you would see we weren’t nowhere near as bad as these guys and what kind of place we grew up in. Would also like to add im a regular poster here with over a 1000 posts.
Well, at a young age you are easily influenced by your surroundings. If he's changed now, that's all that matters.

Agreed somewhat. If he's realised now what an utter piece of pond life he was, then all the better for him. His previous actions, in that circumstance, ought to haunt him every day. That's payment enough.

In the here and now it's tougher. The local pond life decided to kick on our fence last night to rile up the dog while he was out for a leak. We brought him back in ASAP (which takes some work when he's going on off on one) and ignored them, only for our actions to be repaid with discovering the wife's car window put through this morning.

I can only describe these teenagers as completely broken animals. The thing is, when you think about it, nothing they do needs any justification. They really are only in it for personal gratification, having fun, and a total "laugh". They don't understand the base concept of responsibility. There's just no dealing with it, or sorting them, until their own mindset decides so.

Luckily, that poster's brain kicked in and helped him out. The others aren't so lucky.

This is the third time in five years her car window has been done either in our driveway or next to the house by obviously succeeding generations of the little ******s, with absolutely no provocation on our part. We just take it on the chin, keep going, and continue to look toward the day we move out of this ****hole and as far away from other people as we can. Like decent human beings.
I'd just like to say to the guy who has turned his life around you have my up most respect for sorting yourself out, not many people are able to drag themselves out of the gutter, especially from a childhood such as the one you say you experienced... I once had a friend who was very similar in his youth, lost touch with him a number of years ago, turned his life around too and became a genuinely good chap in my experience, he was very open about his past and understood peoples reactions....
Hi, I just thought I would share a confession of my own...

I have a half brother who is 12 years my senior who is an utter waste of space, he was always jealous of me even when I was a child and would always tell tales on me trying to get me into trouble for actions that where not my own, I went through a phase of scratching my backside with his tooth brush when I was about 8 or 9 and on one occasion he became violently ill and I never told anyone, the last time I spoke to him several years ago he threatened me with a knife in the kitchen of our family home after I confronted him about his spreading of malicious lies and rumours about me and my girlfriend, I broke his nose and dragged him out of the house into the street and left him totally clear that if he came back I'd kill him, when the fuzz turned up, he called them as he had literally **** his pants and was to scared to get his belongings, they came with the intention of arresting me but as I knew the copper from my doorman days he basically laughed at it and essentially told my so called brother to stop behaving like a bitch and if he wanted to push things he'd arrest him for attempted murder or assault with a deadly weapon, despite being a doorman I was never ever a violent person only defending myself when I had too, though I must admit I took great satisfaction at hearing the crunch of his nose exploding and watching him cower outside..... just call it years of tension being released in one short sharp response
Well, at a young age you are easily influenced by your surroundings. If he's changed now, that's all that matters.
I'd just like to say to the guy who has turned his life around you have my up most respect for sorting yourself out, not many people are able to drag themselves out of the gutter, especially from a childhood such as the one you say you experienced... I once had a friend who was very similar in his youth, lost touch with him a number of years ago, turned his life around too and became a genuinely good chap in my experience, he was very open about his past and understood peoples reactions....

and this.

Give him a break. Its obvious that he didn't know better, as from a young age, he was brought up like that. Its sad that there are people like this, but what can you do. Its useless saying he should be ashamed, shot etc. First of all because he does not deserve it, at all, and second of all because he changed. If anything, he needs commendation for changing, as you never know, some might do what he did.
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