*** Anonymous Confessions Thread v6 ***

29 Aug 2007
*** Anonymous Confessions Thread v6 ***

Following the success of the five previous threads I'm proposing a new thread with the same rules for all the new sinners to confess.

The rules, as always, are:

Originally Posted by Vanilla
The idea is simple. You email confessions you'd like the forums to know or discuss to [email protected]

They are then posted here, by me, anonymously for all to see and discuss. If you want to be super secretive feel free to create a separate email to send the email to me.

No sick stuff, anything medical related such as being depressed wont be posted.

Remember this is a family forum so anything really sordid, explicit, targeted against other forum members, or majorly criminal wont be posted as it would get removed by the mods anyway.

If you're worried about being anonymous, I won't release any details about who sent it. Hopefully the previous threads would help alleviate your fears, but feel free to create a throw away email account.

The posting of the confessions will be done by me.

Confessions will be marked in Orange text, probably.

Just to reiterate, the address is: [email protected]

Some examples can be found in the previous threads:

http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18517688 (and thanks to burnsy for this format)
v5 - https://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18627900

Really important - I will not change any of the confessions other than to remove any swearies and replace them with stars; I don't want to get probated for someone else's potty mouth. If it's not suitable for the forum then I will not edit it to make it forum friendly, it just will not get posted at all.

Happy confessing!

e: Note the new email address, frequent confessors!
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Sorry, gremlins at work.

You are on point.

Great fun going back through the old threads.
They are always such entertainment.
The most hilarious mixed with the darkest parts of this forum.
Hopefully this one leaves us filled with little gems also.
And our starter for 10 is ... welp.

I'm 43 years old and during the past year quite a number of my friends and work colleagues have started distancing themselves from me because they discovered that my long time partner (27) and I enjoy threesomes with a 16 year old girl. Even though this is consensual and perfectly legal and we are doing nothing wrong people shun us. We don't care though, and we are not going to change our lives due to a bunch of narrow minded prudes.

During the campaign for Brexit, i was ardently in favour of remain, on forums, in work, to people I spoke to.
When it came to the vote, I voted to leave.
Since the leave vote I have been equally ardent in regards remain, vilifying leavers, calling them up on racism and stupidity.

I didn't want to leave for any economic reason, I just wanted instability, and to watch the world burn.
I have two confessions:

There's a guy I "follow" on internet forums to freak him out. He's a well known poster at forum I visit. Every time he posts I occasionally "like" one of his posts, and reply with nondescript stuff like "yeh, I agree".

The thing is, he frequents other forums too under the same username, and runs his own forum. I've registered at those forums under my pseudonym, and I do the same there. When ever he posts I sometimes "like" the post, and reply nondescriptly.

This has been going on for years. I know it really pee's him off seeing me everywhere he goes on the internet. Imagine Magnolia replying to every comment you've made on the internet. It's a bit like that.

I find it amusing.

This one time he PMd me, telling me to f off and stop following him on the internet. I didn't reply. A few days later he PMd me again, apologising, saying from reading all my replies I'm a nice guy etc etc, and he thinks it's a coincidence how we're both registered at four of the same forums. I just "liked" his PM, and replied with no worries.

I do this because this guy thinks he's top cat. He's has this big bravado about himself. Telling people on the internet what to do etc etc. But when ever I'm around he tip toes around me. I think he's afraid of me.

I wonder how long I can keep this up. It's quite sad, but bloody amusing at the same time.

I'm an early riser and get to work early, around 7 am. I'm usually the first there. To get to my desk in my office block you have to walk past some other desks.

Most mornings, I deliberately nudge the monitor of a girls desk, which I have to walk past to get to mine. I make the nudge ever so subtle so it looks okay from far, but when using the monitor it'd need adjusting. When she gets in for 8.30 she always has to adjust her monitor before starting work. This really ****es her off. She can't figure out why, every morning she arrives to work, her monitor is tilting a few degrees away from the way she left it.

At one point she blamed, and shouted the cleaners. She accused them of shaking her desk too violently when they are hoovering around the the legs of her desk, cleaning desk worktops etc.

She doesn't talk about it too much because her neighbor to her left, and right don't have the same issue, so her neighbors just think she's a bit loony, complaining about her monitor.

This one time I disabled the lock on her chair back rest. When she sat back in her chair the morning she arrived, she tilted back unknowingly, and nearly fell over. She was livid, and ****ed, and cried a little bit.

She sits near me and has confided in me. She's asked me if I have the same problem etc etc. I've just said I and others in the office have no idea what she's going on about.

This has been going on for 8 months now.

There was this time when I stopped for a month - she thought she was in the clear, but then I started nudging her monitor again.

There's a good reason why I do this - she's very racist, rude, has loud telecon meetings at her desk, when we have rooms for that purpose. We have told her many times about noise and rudeness but she doesn't seem to get it. So when she complains to people about her monitor, she doesn't really get much sympathy.

I think I'm batman.
[FnG]magnolia;29997892 said:
And our starter for 10 is ... welp.

I'm 43 years old and during the past year quite a number of my friends and work colleagues have started distancing themselves from me because they discovered that my long time partner (27) and I enjoy threesomes with a 16 year old girl. Even though this is consensual and perfectly legal and we are doing nothing wrong people shun us. We don't care though, and we are not going to change our lives due to a bunch of narrow minded prudes.

[FnG]magnolia said:
About [FnG]magnolia
Age: 43

I have a few things on my chest.
I have a muse on the internet, a plaything who knows nothing of his actual meaning to me.
Through email, and webchat I manipulate this person into behaving in ways he would not usually do.
I have created a host of characters that over a period of years I have introduced to him.
None of which exist and all of which are my creations.
I know he is actually in love with one of these creations, yet she has never and will never exist.
I am growing tired of him, and can't decide if slowly the characters should move away, depart, stop communications, or if in one movement I should axe them all and leave him devastated.
Complete manipulation was amusing, especially convincing him to lie to certain characters about things he would have initially preferred to tell the truth regarding.[/quote]

Well some time has passed, we have version 5 and I failed to respond at that stage.
The version 5 thread, along with some parts of the version 4 thread did give me some thoughts on how to proceed.
I did exile some of the creations, they had run their course but they did find ways to exit that manipulate his life situation more.
One finished a relationship of the muse by contacting his then partner.
Not as evil as it sounds, he wanted a way out, the relationship was dead and he couldn't find a way to terminate things.
On one occasion a separate creation helped him with a job interview, a video interview, live, providing him chat message which gave answers he otherwise would not have been able to provide. He moved city as a result of this, and is in a much better career position.
The innovation in internet technology has made my musings so much easier to fill and provide background for.
One such pairing are a couple, he loves the wife in the relationship, he has never met her, nor can he, she doesn't exist.
She is based on a person, but he has heard her speak, seen her little recorded tweets, snapchats, and assumed each was for him.
Better still, in his conversations with the 'husband' following prompting from the 'wife', he was able to use teamviewer to help 'fix' their PC.
Thank you confessional thread 5, I had no idea of this type of software, but as expected he did something very similar to the previous posters brother or cousin, whichever it was.
After fixing their problem, he spend significant time searching the PC to try to find any 'stash'.
Which of course he found, as I had already generated such a thing, and watched him through the whole process.
He revisited the scene several times, and occasionally still does 'for updates', under the guise of helping.
What I found amusing, but not unexpected was he turned then to several of the other creations I had introduced to him, and offered similar helping services.
It took a few days and a bit of effort blanking old hard drives , installing them, and making them look used before I allowed him access to other creations and their 'stash'.
It hasn't all been bad, some manipulations were greatly in his favour, and some very good for his health.
I won't go into details.

Once again now i find myself as a juncture, and I might destroy several more of the creations. maybe even them all bar two, and those will soon be greatly distanced from him, as the soap opera of their life plays out.
I am not entirely sure why i do this, I suppose it is an addiction of sorts.
Been with my other half for nearly 7 years, there comes a time in are sex life where i will not get anything from her for about a month or so, instead of me cheating on her.

I would get another phone and sim card and start texting myself for the other phone, trying to chat myself up by be tending to be another women, i make sure she looks at the texts, by going for a fag and leaving my main phone on the sofa.

After she reads the texts, we have a little argument and i tell her and blame it was a mate who gave my number to the women.

Later on that night in bed, she **** the hell out of me for around a month everyday.

So i do it all over again, been doing for 2 years now and i cannot bring myself to tell her the truth.

Sent from my iPhone
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