Another must have product from RA

Obvious really... Your disk feels the force and then so do you. At over three grand your wallet feels it the most.
i find a bit of Lube works just as well and at a fraction of the price. i mean wow i like my music but not that much lol
Didn't the British Army buy fake mine detectors for Afghanistan or something like that? as the saying goes there's one born every minute.
i was shocked when i saw 1m phono lead for £275 in Richer sounds yesterday.

£275? really?

Seeing such in RS may have been a shock but that's not expensive for an analogue audio lead.... you can reach 2k from some suppliers quite easily should you feel the urge. (I hope to hear some next week from Chord in the National Audio Show.... just out of curiosity :D )
I saw an ad for a $150 USB lead. Have to say that I did wonder how that could improve things. Still, I'm not going to pass judgement, as whilst I don't understand it, until I'd proven it either way to myself, I would feel it a little unfair to debase it.
Hmmm.... plastic case, milled aluminium parts, advanced transformer technology, 4.2kg... "and represents countless hours of research into the effect of electromagnetic forces on discs"... It's a degausser, surely?

Right, so does magnetism affect polycarbonate, acylic and aluminium then? ;)
I saw an ad for a $150 USB lead. Have to say that I did wonder how that could improve things. Still, I'm not going to pass judgement, as whilst I don't understand it, until I'd proven it either way to myself, I would feel it a little unfair to debase it.

And this is why companies make such products. You just need to read up on the USB spec to know how and why such cables don't work.

Or have a basis understanding on how data is transmitted digitally.

I really hope you're joking.
I got the leaflet through the post with this in it last week, I was totally shocked. You'd have to be pretty stupid to even think that might do anything in the slightest.

They do a 60 day trial, anyone want to waste there time?
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