Another must have product from RA

What an absolutely ridiculous item. Lasers work in the light spectrum and any erroneous reading will be due to visible properties. Nothing that item does could possibly have any affect on how a laser reflects light off the surface of the disc.

If you want to ensure your audio is 100% bit perfect just use AccurateRip.
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This bit I'm not sure about is whether you have to bend over and drop your trousers before of after you use the Disc enhancer? Also, do you need to do it every time you use the disk enhancer or whether having been shafted by them once you'll feel it every time you use it??
I prefer the 8ft speaker cable for £20,469.

The reviews all use phrases that are woolly
“whether your audio rig is strictly grain-free photorealistic or gauzily impressionistic, that’s what Kimber is going to give you in return”,

“sonically the KS achieves a level of intimacy and low-level resolution that’s almost embarrassing in its nakedness”.

It's almost like if you can't hear the differences then it's your fault.

The 4-5 week delivery time must be how long it takes them to stop laughing when someone orders one.

Ah but is it, or is it just carefully worded to give an impression that it does something when in fact the truth is there? If we look at the actual text on the site:

Dynamic Disc Enhancement
It’s been over two years in development, and now we are proud to launch DDE-1, our superb new disc enhancer. DDE-1 is suitable for treating CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray Discs, SACDs and DVD-As.

That's likely true, they may have been developing it for two year and now they are proud to launch it.

Proprietary Technology
DDE-1 uses proprietary technology (co-developed by us) to treat discs and represents countless hours of research into the effect of electromagnetic forces on discs. The unit incorporates advanced transformer technology, precision-machined aluminium components and is hand-built in the UK.

This one is a mixture of potential truth (proprietary technology, aluminium components and built in UK) along with carefully vague wording, it "represents hours of research into electromagnetic forces" but it makes no claims about doing/treating anything of the sort!

Effective treatment of discs in 30 seconds
DDE-1 is simple to use and the treatment takes about 30 seconds. Discs should be treated just before they are played, and the treatment should be repeated each time a disc is played.

Again, carefully worded, makes no mention at all about how it treats anything, so hard to pin down as fraudulent I'd guess.

Discs are treated by placing them on the aluminium platter on the top of the unit. The activation button illuminates an LED on the front panel; the light goes off when treatment is complete. The disc remains stationary while the treatment is taking place.

and finally the possibly vaguely concealed truth "The activation button illuminates an LED on the front panel; the light goes off when treatment is complete" almost certainly true...and quite possibly exactly how the unit 'works'!

Certainly vague and potentially misleading by implication but from a legal viewpoint I suspect a lot care has been taken to ensure it doesn't directly lie to consumers.
Valve90210 I think is probably right about what they claim the machine does, is worded in such away that they won't face any legal action if someone decides it makes no difference to their CDs.

Anyone with a shred of common sense knows that what this machine is supposed to do is a load of nonsense. Anyone who falls for the carefully worded jargon is a fool, and you know what fools are like when it comes to money. ;)
Ah but is it, or is it just carefully worded to give an impression that it does something when in fact the truth is there? If we look at the actual text on the site:

That's likely true, they may have been developing it for two year and now they are proud to launch it.

This one is a mixture of potential truth (proprietary technology, aluminium components and built in UK) along with carefully vague wording, it "represents hours of research into electromagnetic forces" but it makes no claims about doing/treating anything of the sort!

Again, carefully worded, makes no mention at all about how it treats anything, so hard to pin down as fraudulent I'd guess.

and finally the possibly vaguely concealed truth "The activation button illuminates an LED on the front panel; the light goes off when treatment is complete" almost certainly true...and quite possibly exactly how the unit 'works'!

Certainly vague and potentially misleading by implication but from a legal viewpoint I suspect a lot care has been taken to ensure it doesn't directly lie to consumers.

Then all the suggestion that it makes CD's sound better is contained within the "review" so they can claim it isn't their opinion just the view of happy customer or reviewer...
Very cleverly written.... learning from their past mistakes....
Then all the suggestion that it makes CD's sound better is contained within the "review" so they can claim it isn't their opinion just the view of happy customer or reviewer...
Very cleverly written.... learning from their past mistakes....

True but there is no excuse with their cables description though esp the usb one,.
I saw an ad for a $150 USB lead. Have to say that I did wonder how that could improve things. Still, I'm not going to pass judgement, as whilst I don't understand it, until I'd proven it either way to myself, I would feel it a little unfair to debase it.

Do you connect any media streamers with higher quality network cabling than standard stuff as well? Because you could probably buy normal patch leads and have an instructor led Cisco course that explains how it all works at a physical and protocol level and end up saving money. As well as learning something.
Amazing isn't it? Electricity passes through no end of bog standard mains cable, then suddenly comes to a 1 meter power cable and then as if by magic it does something fancy and hey presto! you get better sound. :rolleyes:
I own some of there audio cables which are made by Kimber the PBJ and they are really good but some of there stuff is a bit nutty and over priced but if you have the money why not if you have a high end system
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