Ant-Man & The Wasp Quantumania (Marvel)

Well that wasn't very good :(

Paul Rudd is still awesome, but we are meant to believe that there is a full civilisation in the Realm, something which we have never seen before and also that Janet was a terrorist/freedom fighter for 30 years, but never once mentioned this when out of the Realm or maybe thought it was a good idea to mention this when they went back in? GTFO. Oh and she was boinking people because she had 'needs'.

It was a movie we didn't need.

And wtf:



To this:

Lol it’s called age! Lost started filming 20+ years ago!
Found the film very very meh...what bugged me, well quite a few bits did, but I thought that shrinking down to such a tiny size allowed AntMan to fall into the Quantum zone/realm, yet once he was in there he seemed to be able to shrink even further without issue.
Well that wasn't very good :(

Paul Rudd is still awesome, but we are meant to believe that there is a full civilisation in the Realm, something which we have never seen before and also that Janet was a terrorist/freedom fighter for 30 years, but never once mentioned this when out of the Realm or maybe thought it was a good idea to mention this when they went back in? GTFO. Oh and she was boinking people because she had 'needs'.

It was a movie we didn't need.

And wtf:



To this:


Hell, she looks better now than I did 20 years ago.
6/10. Thought it was mostly poor.

Now I know sod all about these comic book characters etc but I always enjoy Ant Man films. Throughout this one though I was bored af the moment they entered the realm. Bad guy was just rubbish imo, lacked any charisma unlike Thanos who had reasoning for his actions and didn't forget all his special moves due to plot armour for other characters. Post credits sequence was laughable.

What was the point of silver haired legend of an actor some halfway through?

I thought the quantum realm was barren for the most part but we've not got a million people in it?

The title is horribly incorrect and should be Ant-Man & Cassie, because Wasp isn't even in it unless she's making a special guest appearance to save someone at key moments. Michael Douglas and Michelle Pfieffer are still enjoyable to watch together and I enjoy both their characters. I don't like what they did with a certain floating character and thought he was squandered of a better role.

For me, I enjoy watching Paul Rudd and he is brilliant as Ant-Man but this film was just a disjointed mess for me.
I watched this on Disney + over the weekend. Easily the weakest of the 3 films. In fact I thought it was rubbish.
I've ended up seeing it twice now, despite only giving it 5/10.

Wife wanted to watch it on Disney+ having missed it when I went to the cinema with some friends.

I will revise my score up slightly to 6/10, but it's still not very good.
I enjoyed it more than Black Panther 2, but that's not saying much.

I just sort of happens with no peril, just a series of loosely stitched together action sequences with ropey dialogue. CGI was OK (I'd read complaints about it). Bad guy was poor and non-threatening though. As for the after credits
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