I put my HDD in the optical bays. I used a Zalman hdd cooler to hold it in as that's all i had to hand, but it free's up both the front fans.
I dropped 6 Degrees from my old case with the side off to the P180 with everything on and fans turned to low. I would hazard a guess that with it all up to high it would be maybe a nice 10 degree difference. At the moment though im relishing the quiteness.
I got my case off the MM and one of the Tricool fans on the front was missing, but luckily i had a Yate Loon from another project that i pinched.
Overall, i'd say the P180 was awesome. Easily the best case i've worked with so far. I must admit i lost my rag to cable management and made a right hash of it (i'd been bolting stuff in for 3 hours, cut myself on the motherboard solder loads and was in a rush to finish before someone came round) I guess one day i'll sit down and do it properly. And if the P182 is literally just improvements then meh, must be pretty awesome!
I'd highly recommend sticking the HDD in the optical bays if you can, and im not sure how Kama Bay's work but if you can fit one aswell as a HDD then Good Times

Makes a whole lot of cooling, considering it's perfectly minimal front.