'Anti' Isalm cartoons....

Balddog said:
You are forgetting that the people who are getting all stroppy about this dont live in the 21st century...

You wont find any muslims in the west taking such action, even though they may agree that the cartoons are offensive.
According to the news on Radio 1 this morning, there were 40 protesters outside the BBC because they showed a blurred version of the cartoon. :rolleyes:
Balddog said:
Well why are we so worked up about what they are doing in response?

What business is it of ours whether they get angry or not? Those radicals in the middle east can do what they please in their own countries..

Those who disagree with it over here are free to protest peacefully, as they have been doing..

So whats the problem?

The problem is, say, the protestors in London, or the Muslim's stating that "the war has begun" and talking about planning suicide attacks in Norway and Denmark.

That's a pretty big problem. I don't really want to see London gutted by suicide bombers and Mecca turned into a glass bowl, but the seeds are there.
vonhelmet said:
And science creates the weapons of war. DISCUSS.

Alternatively, be quiet, that anti-religion argument is old and tired. It's the human condition that causes these problems, not religion.

Science also saves lives, provides medicine, hospitals etc.

at no time in History has religion ever been proven to do this.

Balddog said:
Well why are we so worked up about what they are doing in response?

What business is it of ours whether they get angry or not? Those radicals in the middle east can do what they please in their own countries..

Those who disagree with it over here are free to protest peacefully, as they have been doing..

So whats the problem?

I have to say I agree with this, I don't like what is being said but I will support their right to say it as long as this remains peaceful.

fatiain said:
According to the news on Radio 1 this morning, there were 40 protesters outside the BBC because they showed a blurred version of the cartoon. :rolleyes:

We are allowed peaceful protest in this country are we not?
vonhelmet said:
The problem is, say, the protestors in London, or the Muslim's stating that "the war has begun" and talking about planning suicide attacks in Norway and Denmark.

That's a pretty big problem. I don't really want to see London gutted by suicide bombers and Mecca turned into a glass bowl, but the seeds are there.

Those muslims saying such things are members of known terrorist/military groups...
fatiain said:
According to the news on Radio 1 this morning, there were 40 protesters outside the BBC because they showed a blurred version of the cartoon. :rolleyes:

Of course the absolute second it turns violent, it should be crushed...
vonhelmet said:
The problem is, say, the protestors in London, or the Muslim's stating that "the war has begun" and talking about planning suicide attacks in Norway and Denmark.

That's a pretty big problem. I don't really want to see London gutted by suicide bombers and Mecca turned into a glass bowl, but the seeds are there.

The seads have been there for 2000 years admitedly we now have the wepons to do it faster but the Christian and Muslim worlds have hated each other for centuries

I can understand that Muslims are offended by a drawing of the prophet Mohammed, as it goes against one of the central tenets of their religion, let alone one that portrays him with terrorist overtones. However, given recent events that cause a direct connection between the muslim faith and terrorism in the general public's perception, I think they (the muslim leaders) need to take a step back from all this, and take a somewhat wider view.

Aside from vocally condemning the recent terrorist attacks made in the name of Islam, the muslim leadership have not done anything publicly to stop attacks happening again. It's therefore no great surprise that non-muslims are starting to take the view that 'if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem' and viewing the muslim faith as a whole negatively.

Whilst there may be soem 'outrage' in the muslim nations about the cartoons, I take the view that you reap what you sow, and I have the feeling that this might just be the start of an anti-muslim backlash.
sandy10 said:
Science also saves lives, provides medicine, hospitals etc.

at no time in History has religion ever been proven to do this.


And religion provides people with comfort and community.

We could argue this all day (welcome to SC!) but it's pointless. There are pros and cons to both science and religion. Both are pretty much innocuous in and of themselves, but are open to abuse i.e. weapons created by science used by religious fundamentalists.

Anyway. If you want to discuss this, start a new thread. Don't bring the tired arguments into a thread about something different. I'm stopping this discussion now.
sandy10 said:
Religion, once again, the biggest cause of controversy, pain, heartache and war.

It's not religion that causes the problems. Any religion worth it's salt preeches tolerance and peace.

It's people using it as an excuse to make people do what they say, and be rotten to each other
Matblack said:
You would find many for the reason I started in my first post in this thread.


Yes, but if you look at MY first post you will see that a book was made immediately after the release of the first cartoon, with positive images of Mohammed. I saw one of him flying through the clouds on some kind of Unicorn-woman thing...
wordy said:
It's not religion that causes the problems. Any religion worth it's salt preeches tolerance and peace.

Tolerance and Peace:

Traditionally, Christian churches have regarded homosexual sex as sinful, based on certain passages in the Bible. This position is still affirmed by the largest Christian denominations, including the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and most Protestant denominations, especially among Evangelicals such as the Southern Baptist Convention
as an atheist - you may argue I am not qualified to comment.

I have two pints to add...

Muslims argue that they are treated differantly to Chrisitanity, this is rubbish. Mocking religion is part of our (english) culture; tabloid newspapers do carry cartoons of religious imagery such as heaven and god. Niot to mention the life of brian and many commedy shows.

Over the last few years, we have seen many terrible acts of violence carried out in the name of islam. I understand that these people are extremists, but I did not here one muslim protest about there religion being twisted in this way.

IMHO the reaction to a cartoon is ott compared to the reaction to thousands of deaths.
sandy10 said:
Science also saves lives, provides medicine, hospitals etc.

at no time in History has religion ever been proven to do this.


What a load of rubbish!! Get your head out of the sand and look at history and the world around you; people who are motivated by thier faith have done a huge amount of good. :mad:
people are missing the point here... theyre objecting to the fact that their prophet is depicted as a characteur (and one which "agrees" with terrorism). they believe this is wrong on 2 accounts:
1. he (the Phrophet) should not have been drawn - (no portraits, images or drawings of him exist in Islam, to prevent him being 'idolised')...
2. Islam is wholly against terrorism and terrifying the innocent (people who do not fight) so to say Mohammed is the root of it all is plain wrong.

the cartoon just shows ignorance and the ability not to understand the facts which results in causing the antagonism between muslims and non-muslims. why people cant just respect other peoples beliefs i do not know. have they not anything better to do? hmm... probably not.
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