Norton is lovely. Have used it for years. Admittedly it did once slow my computer down...

The one time I used AVG my computer had all sort s of issues. Uninstalled it and computer was fine.... Not touched it since. I know many people have no problems. But yeah. Personal experience.

used mcafee for a couple of years now, simply because BT give 7 user licences free with their isp deals, coupled with a malwarebytes scan once a week never had any problems. only downside with mcafee is that it has a habit of forgetting some of the programs that you've 'always allowed' mainly bf2. other than that it seems A1 and i'd happily pay for it if i had to. peace of mind and all that ;)

The one time I used AVG my computer had all sort s of issues. Uninstalled it and computer was fine

funny you say that i tried AVG, admitedly the free version, but it was a nightmare for me. think i stuck with it for about 2 days!
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Coming from someone who used to have an active passionate hatred for Norton and its constant buggering things up, its been a fantastic AV this year or so :)
Not sure if your being sarcastic, the link clearly shows it got 4.5/5.

Yes, I'm being sarcastic. Current user of Norton (moving from ESET & Kaspersky).

Code was re-written from scratch in 2009, many of the 'haters' used Norton back when they were in school and insist every version since then has been the same. If only they spend the time to read reviews.

Back to OP, if I'm not wrong the £16 NIS 2011 licence will work for v2012 (£47), so very good price ;)
Really great price for panda internet oem :)

Question: under Panda Antivirus Pro 2012 OEM @ £4.99 you have this..


Thats a different product and is there best home security package. What is it the antivirus pro or the Global protection.

See chart here for the difference

If it is the global then I will be buying it.
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At the moment I'm using Microsof Security Essentials, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware & Zonealarm firewall (free). Would it be worth getting a proper, perhaps all in one AV package. Has served me well I think but thinking of doing a full clean reinstallation of OS to SSD.
You can try most of these products for a month bud. You should give some a try Panda global protection is good. Been using it for a while now.
I just happend to come across this when doing a search, same results as listed in my previous links. :D

August 2011 - AV Comparatives Detection Results.

Currentley using NIS 2012, upgraded from NIS 2011 and have to say I'm very happy with both versions. They are nothing like what they used to be years ago.
Many people trust Norton as a well known brand however despite improving there are better & cheaper ( even free:D) solutions.
Out of the above I'd try Vipre if I just hadn't got a 6 month trial license for ESET Smart Security 5 as my current paid license expires at the end of the year.
Truth is if you limit your web browsing to known/familiar sites all of above will do a pretty good job. However good you AV is you need at least 2 antimalware programs + a good firewall.
On a side note I tried Norton DNS recently - it blocked video on the BBC site!
On a par with Norton but 1/2 the price.
See Lanyguy99 reviews on youtube.
kAspersky. Eset, Bitdefender, Gdata are better.
For the choice here I'd get Vipre.
Use Panda Cloud as a 2nd choice scanner & Panda toolbar to block malicious/phishing sites.
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