Anti War demo's this Saturday

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17 Oct 2002
More info here -

Whatever you feel about the troops etc, killing is NOT the answer. Our guys will die, and many more of the Iraqi civilians, not to mention the Iraqi troops. The last time a country invaded another as a 'pre-emptive' attack it was Germany going into Poland. At the time America said the attack was wrong. How things change.

Originally posted by Lopéz
Saturday will be a bit late won't it?

Do you think that Allied soldiers are suddenly going to be told:

"Whoa there chaps, some of the folks back home have got a tad upset about all this bombing malarky. Report back home asap, ta muchly"

We can still register our disapproval and show that this war is not in our name. It's certainly not in mine.

Originally posted by terrible
ummm i dont know and neither do you so why waste your time telling people that war isnt justified when you dont no if it isnt:rolleyes:

Sorry, off forums with work. Will respond to a few if I can.

So you're sugesting we go to war with countries because we don't know their motives? Who shall we attack next because we don't know it's NOT justified?


Originally posted by riotstar
Until I see proof that there is cause for war, in my head it's a fact :p

Pro War types all seems so convinced that there is cause for war, can I ask what Top Seekrit evidence you've all seen that I haven't?


No one has evidence that we should go to war, but we do anyway. Look at who benefits from this war. It sure ain't Iraq, in ANY respect.

Tell that to the families of Iraqis killed by sanctions and the 12yrs of bombing we've put them through already. There's a whole lot more of those than ones killed by Saddam. I don't say Saddam is even vaguely nice, but we've done far more damage from the West.

Originally posted by CryptKeeper
I am all against the war. However dont blame bush. Its Dick Chaney and his counterparts (the folk who really run the country) that are all for it.

Quite so. Halliburton has already been given the contract to rebuild Iraq's oil infrastructure. Anyone who thinks this is not about oil and money has not done enough research into it all imho.

I've been on plenty of demo's, and you're right that some people are only there to have a shout etc. The one in London in February though was a different matter, partly because of the sheer volume of people, and partly because of the diversity of people represented there. I did notice that there were a LOT of OAP's who had seen the atrocities of WWII and seen what losing a generation of young men is like. They didn't wish that on either our troops, or the Iraqi people, and I quite agree.

Did anyone else notice that the US and UK started bombing this evening and then said that they hadn't actually started warring yet? I almost laughed. That's like a boxer going to his opponents changing room, belting him one, then saying "no no no, we havn't started yet. Save it for the ring". :confused: I guess that we've been doing those bombing runs for the last twelve years tho, so why stop now :(

Anyone planning to get to work tomorrow best leave early. AFAIK a number of unions will strike when war kicks off, including the tube workers. Also I think protesters will blocade MANY roads (I know they will round Nottingham). Just a word to the wise ;)

Originally posted by Over Clocker
lol, aye.

He was wrong about saying Saddam had no weapons either. Scuds anyone?

Shows how closely you've been following this. Scuds are not 'weapons of mass destruction' and though a few have I think been destroyed, it was well known Iraq had a few of these.
Originally posted by regimentaldj
Ok its a bit late to start protesting, cause it aint going to stop for YOU.
WTF dont you guys get off your high horses and support the people who are risking there lives out in Iraq. :mad:
Then when it is all finished make your bitchings heard. Last thing the soldiers want to see is no public support from home.
Let them do their job, then make your voice heard when they are finished.

Why don't you get off your high horse and wonder why British troops have been sent to kill and be killed for an unecessary and illegal war. Why do people think anti war means anti british???


Originally posted by silverpaw
Aah but it's their attempts to modify the scuds for more range and to carry bio/chemical weapons causing a stir is it not?

Yes indeed. Something that hasn't been proven, but worth murdering lots of people over. Great.

An argument I've heard a few times today goes like this -

"Iraq must be invaded because they could potentially (if left to their own devices) build weapons of mass destruction, and then use them on innocent folk"

Is that a common view here?

I personally find it absurd. It assumes some mystical power to see into the future and predict actions. On that basis we might as well attack everyone, including ourselves on the offchance that one day they'll be fighting.

A sad day for this country imho. As I've said before, it makes me ashamed to be British.

I know that the sanctions and US/UK bombing over the last 12 years have killed far more Iraqis than Saddam has. Saddam is evil yes, but the way to deal with that is not to go in and make the Iraqis suffer further. As to taking risks, I think the real risk here is prodding an already volatile situation into chaos. Muslims all over the globe already resent the US, and this kind of action stands a strong chance of pushing people to violence. I guess you guys will all be happy when the war comes to you tho, and it's your children, wives, families etc being murdered in front of you.

Originally posted by [ASSE]Arnie01
Oh god, look, sadam kills innocent people on purpose, we do NOT target civilians.

We are there to take him out TO HELP THEM.


I love your 'we'.

'We' have targetted civilians through sanctions. UN humanitarian inspectors have resign repeadly over Iraq. Was it because of Saddam's actions? No, of course not, it was because they highlighted that the greatest damage being done to the country was by the west, and nothing changed.

All I can possibly hope is that this is all over VERY quickly, and that less damage / killing is done than I expect. I also hope that the West has the guts to rebuild Iraq without charge and allow them their own choice of leadership.

War is the only way to end sanctions :D

Superb, let me just go see who has sanxtions imposed now, who had them recently, and who's had them ended without a war. :D

Originally posted by [ASSE]Arnie01
I too hope that it is over quickly and sadam is taken out. Thats the last I have to say on the subject.

I don't have a problem with people having differing views to me, everyone must, its the way the world works.

What I do not like is that way that the minority goes about making their views heard. Protesting left right and centre and generally being a right old pain in the ass. Sadam does need to be taken out, for the good of the world people like this need eliminating, thats just my opinion, and it also happens to be correct.



You like people to have a diversity of opinions, but you don't want to hear any but your own. Nice.

Originally posted by [ASSE]Arnie01
I don't have a problem with people having differing views to me, everyone must, its the way the world works.

What I do not like is that way that the minority goes about making their views heard.

I could have left the rest in too really, but that's the gist huh.

Originally posted by Over Clocker
We like to hear justification of opinions, and alternatives to war.

Not just omg war is bad, dont do it, come protest with me on saturday.

I'm no diplomat, nor is it down to me to sort out the problems of a country. I can, however, see when something very bad is being done under the guise of being good. War is not an answer, it never has been, and never will be. The ONLY war to be fought in my opinion is one of self defence, and my boundary comes when my country is attacked. Then I would fight. The human race should be working to get away from killing each other, taking EVERY opportunity to do that.

As it goes.

Originally posted by MindYerBeak
I wonder what would happen if we found WOMD in Iraq? Would the protestors then claim we put them there?

Would these mythical claimers be wrong I wonder?

I suspect it would be impossible to tell either way.

Originally posted by [ASSE]Arnie01
Exactly, I said I don't like the way they go about it, not what they have to say........

On the other hand, my flat mate just told me the righteous crew all sat down in the middle of a busy crossroads in the middle of manchester. FRICKIN WASTER ******** I WANNA JUST GO THERE NOW AND TELL THEM HOW MUCH OF A PAIN IN THE *** THEY ARE.

What the **** is sitting down in a cross roads stopping traffic gonna acheive!!!!

Edit: Can you tell how much i hate them?

And your hate makes you strong.

Join me, together we will rule the Galaxy ;)

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