Originally posted by Over Clocker
If we didnt attack due to the protests, and Saddam carried on killing the very many that he does, would you feel responsible?
I presume (hope) you also feel Saddam should not be in power any longer? Please suggest an alternative method of ousting him.
Do you of the plight or the Iraqi people? Do you know how they feel?
What do you feel you will gain by protesting?
What do you feel about the lame protesters who are spoiling the name of the genuine ones, such as yourself.
Would your stance change at all if banned weapons were found or used?
Thank you for your time.
Hello. I'm Rach. Sorry, but I don't quite know what you mean by "lame protesters" - do they hobble?
Saddam is an a**e, yes. no one disputes this, but by bombing all hell out of a country you will kill thousands of innocent people. This is why we object to it. 500,000 children died in Iraq due to UN embargoes (and Madeliene Albright said that that price was "worth it"!!!) and Dennis Halliday, UN Co-ordinator of Humanitarian relief resigned his post in 1998 saying that the UN wa rsponsible for "genocide" in the country (his successor also resigned for the same reasons). So if you ask about deaths in Iraq, I say that our countries are causing them. Not Iraq (he's still a w**ker, don't get me wrong). Also, the US and UK govenments funded the gassing of the Kurds in Halabja and not one western country spoke out about this, while the protest groups i am involved with did speak out. So again, who wants to help people?
Method of ousting Saddam? Stop starving the people, denying them of cancer treatment for the 500% increase in cancer around Basra (Iraq) because the the depleted uranium we used there, stop denying them the means of education. Then they might be able to do something themselves against him.
Of course i feel for the Iraqi's. I grew up in Libya, and that is very similar, and they are the most friendly, accepting and charming people you will ever meet. And, sadly, horribly oppressed. And I do know Iraqis here. We work closely with Iraqi Kurds here. One of our local speakers, Yassim Gaffour, lost his whole family in Halabja gassing and fled to the UK. He opposes this war. He knows innocents will die and he's seen enough of it. Obviously he wants rid off saddam, but not by killing thousands of people.
By protesting we are trying to show that we oppose this. Generate discussion and make people like you ask questions so that you don't just get your information from the BBC propaganda Greg Dyke bulls**t we're fed. Seek INFORMATION!! Not hype. Read!!! I oppose this war because of what I've found out ... and believe me, I wish I hadn't. It's sunny now. I want to chill out and have fun. i don't want to spend all my time doing this. But once you've found out, it's outrageous, and if you have a soul you can't but object. It's insane!!
If all banned weapons were found I would say "hoorah - ditch them noW! and now move on to Israel and get rid of their chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. And then the US (who have used all 3 types, which no other country has done ... don't you thing that makes them the greatest threat?!!!) and then the UK. Pakistan and India. All the mad nutters. All the horrific weapons. And I would say, this is the LAST time the UK sells these weapons to people. If you don't want them to have them. Don't give them. If you want to know what they have, check your ******* invoice!
Please read lots. The information is out there. People are people the world over. If you have no personal quarrel with them, please help them. They're helpless. We have a voice. Thank you.
(really sorry, just been told I can't swear. Please accept edits)
/edit - Just tidied up presentation for Over Clocker
, sorry d00d S