Any audiophiles in here?

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Small room. I suppose if the budget allows 2 is better than 1, but seems OP. Envious ;)

It's as much a visual thing as anything else. They sit either side of my AV cabinet. One looked odd, and I could also hear its location. Two evened it out and stopped the directivity. Not to mention, there's enough headroom now to go way beyond what's comfortable in a room that size.

That said, the most bonkers thing I've heard is 10k being put through 8x 10" piston drivers:

Puts my Monoliths to shame. :)
I would say I used to be, or almost was, an Audiophile, back in the 90's.

The internet brought a few truths up, and then eBay sellers and cottage industry manufacturers really took many for a ride. Inc some respectable manufacturers who completely turned around.

I got sick of the forums, the abuse, the internet experts. I got labelled as a Foo believer because I had valid points on both sides which no one could be bothered with as it was not their opinion and I had the audacity to have tried the darn stuff the non owners had an opinion about.

I did buy and sell a little, had people I new working in audio circles give me deals, and got some freebies in my time. But went too far and then could not afford the upkeep and space. Kids meant selling and disposal of thousands of records as I had no room, equipment got less use the more I read forums and magazines.

Currently I agree that cables are overpriced and not the be all and end all, I actually prefer a robust well made cable, Neutrik on no nonsense OFC copper of sufficient girth for the expected length of cable will suffice me.
And I got sick of audio racks, but more because I value the simplicity of a solid flat no nonsense wooden surface or rack mount than a spiked pile of glass and metal that needs constant cleaning and tweaking. Yet, even though that was my preference, because I had various audio racks and branded cables, I got labelled.

Room, speakers, amp, source, important in that order. Cables and supports are mainly eye candy, if they are making a huge difference to your listening pleasure something is wrong with your kit, if you find they enhance an already enjoyable balanced system, there is nothing wrong with buying racks and cables if your enjoy or feel they add something.

Me, well I would like to get a whole bunch of very clean nice XLR, RCA, and speaker leads, all flexible, pliable, soft n yummy with nice WBT/Neutrik connections. Because quite frankly I am sick of unyielding cables, tarnishing silver plugs and the perceived value of audio cables.
I want my equipment to sit in a nice solid wooden cabinet low enough for a 50/60" telly, but capable of taking US width transport/dac/per/power side by side, along with the Tivo and BluRay. Still not found a cabinet to do that.

And I regret not buying a Tact 2.2X and ATC SCM50a before I had a family. I also like PMC/Bryston kit, and would quite happily have the BB5/XB3 active system, one of the best percussion demo's I heard from a loudspeaker system.

I have a walk in cubby full of kit, Kef Reference, Rogers Studio, Linn Kan, Classe pre/powers, Krell pre/power, Theta Digital, Teac, Chord Signature, Anthem, Eccose, Mana, EAD etc etc.

Currently use a Technics SU-MA10 with an optic input, Kef Ref speakers, Naim Nac 4 as it was the right length, kids use it more than me.

The biggest problem for me, well it was all meant to be about music, buying CD's and records, listening to them, finding equipment that made you listen or enjoy more. I loved valves, but with solid state power amps as I liked low bass, I put my stereo before everything else in the house layout.
But when I moved to a smaller house it was not as good, I sold my valve pre's and never enjoyed the solid state as much, and with the forum stuff bringing the mood down I just found I distanced more and more, you can end up listening to the kit, forgetting to enjoy the actual music that started it all.

I would like to get back into it, would be happy with all my digital media on a NAS, using a tablet as a remote, with a decent USB dac.

But we don't have a disposable income since having three kids lol.
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Vinyl Michell Gorbe /Audio Origami Technoarm /Dynavector XX2 mkII /Firebottle Plus MC
Digital: Korus Music Server / Squeezebox Transporter / Oppo 103D / M2tech Young + Linear PSU
Amp: Nick Gorham 300B power amp/Densen DM20 Pre
Speakers: Edingdales
Cabling: ICs: Slic (vinyl)/Klotz 5000+MS Audio IC's - Speaker: TNT Audio "Triple T" Cat 5 / Digital: Oyaide FTVS-510 Silver/ Belden 1694A BNC
Power: 2KV Hardwired balanced mains transformer

Best battle scarred hifi nut/wammer post...ever. :)

Enjoyed reading your posts on the (then) new Hifi Wigwam site "back in the day" by the way. :)
Discovered the internet in '98 at Uni and hifi forums not long after that..Hifi Choice being the first, just as it was dying out.

The whole shebangs just a journey isn't it?
I've lost count of the number of times I've went around in circles only to end up where I was.

Actually, was looking over some old historical forum posts I made 8 years ago, and I spoke how much I loved my system at the time, but WHAT I REALLY WANT IS...

Time moves on , I got there and still wasn't all that happy!
Been lucky enough to have the chance to play with most of the toys I wanted...its not all that.

Digitals done., and great
it is..but more importantly..rediscovered just how good vinyl is.
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