any films you admit crying whilst watching?

Raikiri said:
Can't say I ever remember a film making me cry... maybe made me want to out of boredom, but other than that :confused:

Same here, RSH your sig is one pixel too high by the way.
Simian said:
Thank God I'm not the Only one!!...

1, Empire of the Sun - At the End when he's reunited with his parents, and just doesn't show any emotions, after what he's been through!!.
2, Titanic - (Not Proud of this), The 'Sinking' of the Ship with the Band still playing and all the scenes of people not evacuating!.
3, AI - (Not Proud AT ALL!!), At the End when he gets just one more night with his Mummy (God Damn I've got a lump in me throat just picturing the scene! :mad: ).
4, Bi-centennial Man, At the End when he Dies just before being granted 'Human' status!.

The Wife won't let me watch any of em!! :(


I forgot:

5, Schindlers List - A couple of times... The Gas Ovens, and at the End when their laying Stones on his grave!!...

There seems to be a Spielberg trend in my choices!!.. :confused:
The Green mile - its just so sad :(
platoon - when barbers adagio is playing to them all being killed
Top Gun - Goose's death, gets me everytime.
Lost in translation - yup im a big girl, but its a perfect ending.
Watership Down - I was a wreck after watching this as a child. Bright Eyes still gets me now...

Dead Poets Society - I don't know which bit, I only remember crying at some point.

Philadelphia - again, can't remember which bit exactly, somewhere towards the end.

More recently, Children of Men had me damp eyed on the train home from work. When the child is born... I'm expecting my first in a few weeks so It was rather moving for me.
Saving private Ryan - Graveside at the end, just unbelievable

E.T. - When E.T. is dying and then at the end when he has to go.

Champions - Not many of you will know this one but it's the true story of the Jocky Bob Champions fight with cancer.
Inside I'm Dancing

also i cried in home alone when his mum comes back at the end (the first time i saw it)
Click! near the end when he's old and crawling down the street in the end in desperation. Poor old fella!!
One I've just finished watching and is added to the list..

Stranger Than Fiction with Will Farrell. Made me cry more than any other film ever has. Really really good film.
Armageddon : Bruce Willis talking to his daughter
Terminator 2: When Arnie goes into the molten metal
Star Trek Nemesis: Data dying
Green Mile - When John Coffey is on the execution chair, and the guards know he has to die but they just dont want to do it. :('ve opened the floodgates now!

Watership Down (i was 6 alright?!)
Gladiator (when he dies at the end)
The Last Samurai (when they all die at the end under gun fire) ****s!
What dreams may come (i dare anyone to watch it and NOT cry)

Plenty more too..... :rolleyes:
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