Any gaming pensioners here?

23 Oct 2013
Are there any gamers on these forums of a pensionable age?

Yeah, I know, it probably sounds daft and you may laugh... but hear me out..

I think there's a "how old are you?" thread somewhere about, and I know that some of you are in your 40s and whatnot, but I'm particularly interested to hear if there are gamers here who are retired 60+?

Reason being is that many of us bemoan not having the time to play as often as we might like through commitments such as work and looking after children... all that grown up stuff :rolleyes: :p

I was thinking about this today (while I should have been working to put money in the pension pot) and realised that if I maintained an interest in gaming until retirement age it could well be blummin' fantastic - I might have all day, any day I fancied to play games (and imagine the tech!). Somehow though I can't help but feel that my interest in gaming will fade over the years.

The incredibly complex mathematics:

My first gaming experience was with a BBC Micro when I was, at a guess, around six years old (I'm 31). Using the BBC Micro and the ZX81 as examples, these were released in 1981. That was 34 years ago, so if you were a 30 something gamer then and still enjoyed the hobby now you would be in your 60s today.

Now, it's a long-shot, and I'm possibly just broadcasting the meanderings of my idle mind but I would truly be interested to know... any 60+s here? Or perhaps some of you have gaming Dads or Grandads you deathmatch with?
Haha. Mostly just brainfart I expect but I thought I'd ask. Even if all I get is creative insults such as yours I'll consider it worthwhile.

No, I'm not into the wrinklies!
Theres a few people from here I used to play quake 3 with that are retired. (Not sure if they are regular visitors here or not any more though).
used to play the mmo FFXI and had a leveling buddy I met ingame.

claimed he was 65 or 75 years old and had lost his legs during the Vietnam war so just spent most his time playing video games online.
I'm guessing he enjoyed the social interaction and being treated the same as everyone else.

in 10-30 years it probably will be quite common for pensioners to be hardcore gamers with their own OAP mmo guilds just owning all these young man folk
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My friends Mum is in her 60's and Totally addicted to Guild Wars 2. Her first venture into PC gaming was Minecraft, was playing AAA titles on a 360 before that.
We've got a few in PAGAN who are in their 50s and I know one who is in his 60s (won't say who though - not an OCUKer). Most of us are in our 30s.

My dad is a gamer, he's over 70 although not physically able to play much now due to illness, he does love minecraft though!
in 10-30 years it probably will be quite common for pensioners to be hardcore gamers with their own OAP mmo guilds just owning all these young man folk

That's a good point. I'm 25, and when I was a kid, very few adults played video games. Now, most the people I know my age still play video games (albeit console peasants) and I can't see them having any reason to stop.
I am! I'm still working, over 60, but drawing a pension as well. Thoroughly enjoy gaming and the tech is nice to look forward to.
you OAPS been gaming all your life? do you believe your vision has been affected by staring at the screen?
Genuinely interested to know.

benefits for the mind would likely out-way the above though I'd imagine
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When i get old (45 now) and the kids are looking for a care home i am gonna need a place that i can take my computer with me and good wifi. Not gonna be any of that singing round the piano and ballroom dancing crap for me :) Gonna be playing fallout 10 fully modded and take a break for my microwave meals on wheels
im 46 and still game, but when im a pensioner if I make it to that age I will be gaming, with my teeth in a glass and waving my walking stick at the screen everytime I get shot by some whipper snapper.:D
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