Any gaming pensioners here?

I'm obviously just a youngster at 49. I can't see me ever giving up gaming I have been doing it since I was at school
44 now, and as above my care home will require WIRED ACCESS no wi-fi latency for me. Food will be in mushed up in liquid form dispensed into a permanent tube in my gut. The remainder of my days will be spent pluged in 24/7 into Occulus Rift version 45.

The only downside i can forsee is i wll be unable to afford the hardware upgrades :(~


If anyone tells me to go outside or "you need to get some fresh air" i will let loose OAP anger greater than any daily mail reader has ever seen
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I'm 49, and will be 50 this year :eek:, and I'm a dedicated PC gamer.

In fact I'm just building my new PC based on the awesome epic bundle purchased from this very site.

I'll keep gaming for as long as I'm still moving. :D
When i get old (45 now) and the kids are looking for a care home i am gonna need a place that i can take my computer with me and good wifi. Not gonna be any of that singing round the piano and ballroom dancing crap for me :) Gonna be playing fallout 10 fully modded and take a break for my microwave meals on wheels

No loving kids would subject their gaming grandad to WIFI
My mother is over 60 and still gaming, Everquest 1, 2, Vanguard, Guild Wars 1, Rift, FFXIV, and now ESO.
It never stops feeling wierd saying 'np, my mum can heal us'. On the brightside in the past a few mum jokes backfired on people :D
Whilst I'm only 44, back in the day I used to regularly "fly"with ex WWII fighter & bomber pilots playing Combat Flight Simulator 2, they were bloody good too!

Moving on to Battlefield 1942 and the Desert Combat mod, I used to regularly play with similar veterans, one was the best sniper I've ever come across in a game, thinking he was such during the war, I asked him, turned out he was a bomb aimer in Lancasters so knew a thing about sighting targets albeit from a different point of view!
Yes, I'm glad I asked. It's great to see that people are enjoying gaming regardless of their age.

My retired parents spend too much time watching awful prime-time TV (the dancing and singing contest stuff). I'd love to visit and see that they were playing an RPG for example. My dad Frank, the level 15 Dwarf mage :D

Ah well, leave that to me I guess :)
The TV is one thing I don't get, my dad says it's like when his generation would challenge the one before about listening to the "wireless" (radio) and get a weird look, now it's TV and probably PCs in 30 years time!
Not yet. Ask me again in another 15 years lol.

I remember back in the 80's reading an article from this guy on programming techniques on compression and cli parsing in old text based adventure games, he was amazingly good at it and basically started doing it as something to do in his retirement, he was in his 70's.
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