Any gaming pensioners here?

He builds it himself, and maintains it.

I don't know in detail but..
550Ti (just bought a 970 which is on it's way)
16gb ram

and a X55 and ED tracker :D

As we speak got a text from him, he's just bought GTA V!

Well that upgrade was essential then.

BTW, your Dads cool. Mine just has a hobby of pressure washing everything in sight!
Well that upgrade was essential then.

BTW, your Dads cool. Mine just has a hobby of pressure washing everything in sight!

Yeah, massively overdue!

He also has a mad love for his Mk2 Golf which he has just dropped a 1.8t into :D And he done my car up for me. A very cool dad indeed.

Hahah, last time i saw my dad use a pressure was when he ripped the paint off the side of his car! :eek:
a friends mum (we are both in our 30s) she's nearly 60, plays cs and is actually quite good - so many kids calling her a hacker and throwing abuse - she just laughs at it.
I'm 49 now (glad to know I'm not the oldest :) ) and I've been gaming since the 70's using the Atari console, I was in love with the Indiana Jones game even thought it looked totally pap. My wife just doesn't see the attraction with gaming but she'll quite happily sit reading books for hours on end. I just get her some new books and then I can game - win win.
Not exactly a pensioner as I'm only 40 but I've been gaming for 32 years (ZX Spectrum 48k for Christmas when I was very little, before that I had Nintendo game and watch and Astro wars etc!) and I can't see myself stopping. Like most people I go through some 'downtime' where no game grabs me but I stop playing for a bit and I get my mojo back.

In an old clan, OBC (old ******** clan) we had some guys way into their 60's who were playing regularly.
I'm only 25, but can see me still gaming when I am old and retired... just hope that I am able to! Not quite sure what I would do in all that free time if I couldn't hold a mouse and use a keyboard still!
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