Any opinions on o2 broadband?

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I wish I could have got this offer last week, although my current ISP were cutting me off so I had to act quickly and pay the full £17.50 :(
I think if the date was going to change it would have done so already. So you should be fine:). Once I register you at my end you'll get an e-mail telling you what to do. I'll make sure I drop you a mail after I've registered you just for your peace of mind.

Awesome. Cheers mate :cool:

EDIT: One other thing, do you know what the router is that O2 send out? I heard it was either the Speedtouch 585 or the Netgear DG834 something. Not completely sure on that though.
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Awesome. Cheers mate :cool:

EDIT: One other thing, do you know what the router is that O2 send out? I heard it was either the Speedtouch 585 or the Netgear DG834 something. Not completely sure on that though.

It was the Thompson Speedtouch but they're using a new one now. I don't know what it is but it wouldn't surprise me if it was Netgear.


A colleague tells me the new one is still Thompson.
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It was the Thompson Speedtouch but they're using a new one now. I don't know what it is but it wouldn't surprise me if it was Netgear.


A colleague tells me the new one is still Thompson.

I'l confirm that, got the new 585v7 through the post last week
For everyone's info, I've ordered 02 (thanks to z0mbi3!). Will post back with my thoughts on it. Whilst it is a 12 month contract, there's a 50 day money-back guarantee promotion at the moment, though from what's been said it doesn't look like I'll have to use it.
we use BT Broadband, with the GoTalk options so we have (matching) pda-type/blackberry-type handsets. which is incredibly sad. but they are the business, and the internet provision is pretty good.

and, admittedly hard to admit, I actually like dealing with their call-centre people, they're unusually well-informed and quite professional. never thought I'd say that.
Just a little bump to let you guys know I can still offer a discount if you're interested.

Hi z0mbi3, I'm getting a broadband connection for my new house in September and it would be great to get it at that price! I don't think they've got the LLU connection there yet though.:rolleyes:
o2 IPStream (non-LLU) might be okay but you'd probably be better off getting something from an Entanet reseller if you don't have access to LLU.
o2 IPStream (non-LLU) might be okay but you'd probably be better off getting something from an Entanet reseller if you don't have access to LLU.

I'd say the price is a bigger factor though tbh. Would probably be easier to migrate to LLU when it does go live too.
Possibly. It's actually been the opposite in the past (e.g. UKOnline/Sky), where IPStream>LLU migrations took around a *year* to implement. That could just be one company's ineptitude though :p And actually, thinking about it, LLU migrations are far more standardised/supported by openreach now.

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