Any opinions on o2 broadband?

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I just tried my Netgear router

down up
Connection Speed 9356 kbps 1203 kbps
Line Attenuation 44 db 12 db
Noise Margin 6 db 5 db

Not as good.
I am going to try that tonight ^^

After reading a few things they dont like to actually disable interleaving and put you on fathpath but just limit the effect of interleaving to a minimum.

Make sure you keep us updated if that works.
It should be better - are you using an old firmware?

Firmware Version V4.01.40

Its a Sky branded Netgear, the black version, what model is this?

Could just be because my connection is new, always syncs up different to start with.
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The advisors I've had today on live chat say no O2 customer has Interleaving disabled... tried almost every trick to make them disable it to no avail.

They are pretty damn good though, service wise... been on chat like 5 times today within a minute of clicking the live chat button! Priority service :D

If anyone manages to get theres disabled, let me know? ;)
By livechat do you mean calling them or do O2 actually have some kind of live support I can use on their website?
Still waiting too be activated btw how can I tell if im on the LLU ?

o2 says I maybe able too get 18meg ADSL.... but ukonline I hit only 11meg max..... Put your Posty in there mate and it will give you the info.

I think Colindale and Edgware exchanges got LLU presence from a lot of operators I saw O2 in there as well. Still a bit hit n miss even with the LLU stated speeds sometimes but a lot better than BT.

But both exchanges showing WBC enabled at the back end of last year!
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just got O2 activated today

set up the wirelesss 2 box and getting these speeds@

Uptime: 0 days, 0:02:37
DSL Type: G.992.3 annex A
Bandwidth (Up/Down) [kbps/kbps]: 1,261 / 4,410

i am 1.78 km from exchange

coming from virgin 20mb, i am not impressed :(

is there anything i can do to increase the speed? i am exptecting a 834gt tomorrow, would i only expect a small increase in speed? Put your Posty in there mate and it will give you the info.

I think Colindale and Edgware exchanges got LLU presence from a lot of operators I saw O2 in there as well. Still a bit hit n miss even with the LLU stated speeds sometimes but a lot better than BT.

But both exchanges showing WBC enabled at the back end of last year!

Cheers am on LLU :)

Hey how u know I live in Edgware :p
need some info guys

tried logging on to router (o2 wireless II) as superuser, got in ok, but cant find the attenuation numbers, any ideas?

syncing at 4mb, but when i use the test socket on master BT socket i get 8mb! so something is wrong somewhere!

any tips?
Broadband Connection > DSL Connection >Details

Yes it can be hard to find.

cheers mate

i get:
Link Information

Uptime: 0 days, 0:16:17
DSL Type: G.992.3 annex A
Bandwidth (Up/Down) [kbps/kbps]: 459 / 244
Data Transferred (Sent/Received) [kB/kB]: 0.00 / 0.00
Output Power (Up/Down) [dBm]: 12.0 / 14.0
Line Attenuation (Up/Down) [dB]: 47.0 / 64.5
SN Margin (Up/Down) [dB]: 5.5 / 6.5
Vendor ID (Local/Remote): TMMB / BDCM
Loss of Framing (Local/Remote): 0 / 0
Loss of Signal (Local/Remote): 0 / 0
Loss of Power (Local/Remote): 0 / 0
Loss of Link (Remote): 0
Error Seconds (Local/Remote): 0 / 0
FEC Errors (Up/Down): 0 / 1,891
CRC Errors (Up/Down): 0 / 1
HEC Errors (Up/Down): 477 / 1
That's pretty grim, LLU or Access?

You can bookmark the page then go straight to it.

LLU :( not looking good, does the sync speed auto adjust or do i have to keep rebooting the router to see if i can sync higher?

ive read in the DLM stage i shouldnt touch the router for a while,
LLU :( not looking good, does the sync speed auto adjust or do i have to keep rebooting the router to see if i can sync higher?

ive read in the DLM stage i shouldnt touch the router for a while,

It took a good 5 days before I started getting 600+ kbps. Before then sync speed/actual speed seemed to have no relation to each other. Now it's spot on (well, apart from at peak times these past couple of weeks!)
LLU :( not looking good, does the sync speed auto adjust or do i have to keep rebooting the router to see if i can sync higher?

ive read in the DLM stage i shouldnt touch the router for a while,

I believe that on LLU it dosn't matter about staying connected but as usual I could be wrong. Your line is really long. you should be getting around 1500-2000kbps, you will find that if you connect at different times your speed may improve. Morning is usually better than in the evening but you may also be prone to disconnections.
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Thanks guys

i plugged the router into the test socket and i synced at 8mb! like double what i was getting before,

we only use the one master socket in our house so i might try taking the ring wire out as suggested on other sites, is this wise?
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