Any other 30 year old+ gamers who.......

31 May 2005
Obsess over their latest gaming build, learn everything they need to make the decision on which components to get to squeeze out every FPS they can get.

Then, spend 3 years playing the odd game but mainly just end up spending more time reading about games and dip their toe in now and then but to no great extent.

Clear time in their schedule to "game", only to get distracted by family/Twitch/forums/email/tech sites/Youtube.

After 3 years, start thinking... "Mmm, time for a new rig".

Rinse and repeat :D

It is like an addiction.

Come on in and share your woes :D
Not quite that bad but yes I do struggle to find gaming time
Not because I have no spare time, but because I end up doing other things & usually by the time I get round to gaming I just can't be bothered.

Built my current rig 12-14 months or so ago & it spends a lot of its time a streaming machine, total waste of its components to be honest.
Obsess over their latest gaming build, learn everything they need to make the decision on which components to get to squeeze out every FPS they can get.

Then, spend 3 years playing the odd game but mainly just end up spending more time reading about games and dip their toe in now and then but to no great extent.

Clear time in their schedule to "game", only to get distracted by family/Twitch/forums/email/tech sites/Youtube.

After 3 years, start thinking... "Mmm, time for a new rig".

Rinse and repeat :D

It is like an addiction.

Come on in and share your woes :D

Got a 1800x 16gb of ram 5 months ago looking at 2950x...
I bought a £1000 gsync monitor a few months ago, I'm playing an idle browser game while watching youtube, not even opened a proper game.
I avoided all that this time around and bought a prebuilt Alienware. But I still spend more time reading about games than playing them.
Shhh don't need being reminded of this even here :P

Though every now and again I still manage to get some long gaming sessions in. :)
Yes I have this problem.

I seem to be trying to relive my youth where I seemingly had all the time in the world to game.

However real life seriously disintegrated the amount of time I get to indulge, it doesn't stop me buying a shed load of games and new fancy GPUs though.
Wow this is me, I have a 1080ti, gsync monitor untold gaming mice and keyboards, spent a fortune getting my setup just right. The rare chance I actually get to game I usually spend it playing Doom or another play through of HL2 :D
Spend most of my time modding, internet browsing or playing games like Motorsport manager and then Two Point Hospital and wonder why on earth I need a 1080Ti. I guess I occasionally play games like Tomb Raider and AC Origins, but they are few and far between. That said, give me Elder Scrolls 6 or next gen Fallout 5 and I will upgrade my rig to the latest tech for every single fps I can get - not many games have that effect on me now though which says a lot about the industry. I miss the days of constant Star Trek, Star Wars etc. game releases.
Obsess over their latest gaming build, learn everything they need to make the decision on which components to get to squeeze out every FPS they can get.

Then, spend 3 years playing the odd game but mainly just end up spending more time reading about games and dip their toe in now and then but to no great extent.

Clear time in their schedule to "game", only to get distracted by family/Twitch/forums/email/tech sites/Youtube.

After 3 years, start thinking... "Mmm, time for a new rig".

Rinse and repeat :D

It is like an addiction.

Come on in and share your woes :D

Absolutely smack on you have pretty well summed up all my work mates about 6 of them that once played games.
I do the same but end up playing my favourite retro game series and other retro PC games from GOG in general. I do play AAA games but it's not the majority.
Me, but I've done this with other things too and strangely my grandad did as well. Spend hours and hours researching latest hi-fi equipment and TVs only to use them for listening to music samples / demos.
I've got a 1080TI and £1000 Gsync monitor which as use to play Open RedAlert (a now free game that was released in 1996)

When I was younger I used to research things like mobile phones, bikes, cameras, torches for weeks. Only to buy something and use it a few times then get bored and move onto the next thing. I think the worst was my flashlight/torch fascination - Surprisingly a lot of tech and detail to research on a torch, hell there's a whole thread for hundreds of pages on here - In the end I got a £250 torch imported from USA, used it about 10 times and sold it for £270 in UK
For me its because nothing has been released in the last couple of years that hooks me in, PUBG is my most played game recently I just can't get into anything else. I just find myself watching twitch or trawling through youtube at night even though i essentially have on average 2 hours a night to game.
I do this with everything.

PC gear, sim racing gear, TV, home theatre, retro games and consoles.

Spend hours reading, researching and tweaking. Not to mention the money spent on harware and software. Only to end up playing very little, selling up and moving on to the next fad.

At one point I sold all my PC harware because I was literally using it to watch YouTube or for streaming. To just a few months later replace it all and do nothing with it. I'm still using it to watch YouTube and stream movies.

At least the urge to rebuy all the sim racing hardware or retro harware I once owned hasn't resurfaced.
I seem to be in the same situation too, i can sit for ages looking at my list of games wondering what to play and then end up watching a film instead.
I must admit I used to obsess about this for weeks, on the forums, googling my ass off for reviews but to be honest I'm being priced out of the market these days. Still got a GTX780 and simply can't afford the upgrade :(
Yea, basically me. I have been at least trying to play games a little more though, although I'm not exactly pushing my rig to its limits with WOW and Overwatch. Haha.
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