Any other 30 year old+ gamers who.......

Thankfully, since the Q6600 came out, I've mind to 3 year uograup cycles.

Since then I've only had two other CPUs. The i5 2500K and now the i7 6700K.

I try to be careful when it comes to upgrading and only do it when there's a noticabnot jump in performance.

I do still invest a lot of time playing old games though. Company of Heroes anyone? My pc destroys this game
I just don't get the time to game that much with work, DIY, family and cycling taking up most of it. I'm still rocking an i7, 290 and 16GB RAM. Currently 53% through Arkham Knight which feels like i bought years ago.
No, as I've get older I care a lot less than I once did, but I've never been a bleeding edge kind of person.

I buy what I need, if there is a game that I want to play but find my PC struggle then that's when I look to upgrade but it's been a long while since I had to do that.

Still running a 3570k and GTX 970.
old git here. With a 1080ti, and g-sync IPS screen & even an Oculus Rift. I rarely play any games. I'm not even sure why i came into this forum ! I guess to try and perhaps motivate myself to maybe find something that 'may' interest me to perhaps make use of all these goodies that i treat myself too.

My two boys on the other hand. They'd game on their PC's every minute of every day, if they were allowed too. I'd of probably been the same, at their age, had we had all the tech they do, at their age. I've always enjoyed gaming right up until maybe 10yrs ago, then it became less and less important to the point of being my least followed hobby. i may fire up a game for 10mins here or there. I'll still watch YT and see if i can find any excitement on maybe getting an RTX2080ti. Its unlikely i'll bother though. I think the 1080ti was probably my last large expense towards anything gaming.
Kinda the same. I bought my current rig about 3 years ago and kind of regret buying it really as I haven't used it much for gaming. So in practical terms I'd have been better off just buying a moderately spec'd laptop!

Seem to spend most of my gaming time on my PS4, PSVR and my switch these days. I don't think I'll ever buy another gaming pc again to be honest!
I’m 32 and sounds like me to, although everyone on here can probably say the same to. I built my system a year ago and feel the need to add to it on a monthly basis or buy an upgrade for it, it’s like an addiction even though I only get the chance to use it maybe once a month it still has to be the best(that I can afford) at the time.
Can you include "collect games on Steam which all have under 30 minutes played (or less!)" on this list?
I have 80 games and only 4 games have over an hour being project cars with about 5 and wildlands about 7 or 8 Isle of Man TT and also f1. Must....upgrade.....something.
Currently browsing at a new monitor
I have 80 games and only 4 games have over an hour being project cars with about 5 and wildlands about 7 or 8 Isle of Man TT and also f1. Must....upgrade.....something.
Currently browsing at a new monitor

You're epitomising the term "expensive hobby" right there!

I find collecting games is as much of a hobby, weirdly. I've got 150 games in my Steam Library and I've only played a small amount of those for more than an hour.
I have the time to play at the moment, but end up sitting down to play and instead check my emails, check youtube, check the forums, realise its getting late and then chill out with some Netflix. I love gaming, but have to be in the right mood for it or it just feels like I am forcing it.

I really need another decent single player game to come along as I tend to get sucked in to the point where I'll spend hours and hours exploring a new game world without even realising. Skyrim, fallout 3 + NV, the Witcher 3 and the Stalker series have all had this effect. Sadly these types of games are rare these days, being replaced with online counterparts, which don't interest me at all.
I've had a real motivation problem for the past 4 months to sit down and play games apart from turning the odd lap in Iracing. For me though its been the weather! Its just been to darn good to sit inside and sweat it out in front of a monitor. So I have been getting out on my bike and other activities that require fresh air!
Similar pattern here, although I don't rush out to upgrade since I don't play the latest titles. It would have to be an extraordinary game for me to upgrade or buy a new PC for latest games. I have a triple screen set up, and when running for example, a driving sim, it is awesome! However when reverting back to desktop and all monitor settings have gone to pot, drives me nuts.

Over the summer I put together a retro rig which gets more gaming time than my modern rig. However do I sit down and play for an afternoon or evening? No!

Still don't regret, as when I do play titles my PC at the time could not run in their original glory is immense. When I do game, I usually spend minutes procrastinating and then any urge has subsided. Ironically end up watching someone play a game on Twitch!? I must be getting lazy. :D

I have recently noticed that I no longer have the patience to learn game controls! Whereas I would purchase the latest sim and pore over the 200 page manual and keyboard controls. Now I struggle with the classes and nuances of Overwatch.

When I do game, it's usually the same old faithfuls.
Holy hell. This is basically me in a nutshell lol.

Although recently I am trying to focus on one game at a time and actually give it a proper playthrough.
Completely the opposite. 55 years, and game 22 hours a week on average. I keep up with all the latest tech news and budget for the latest high performing stuff that I can afford. Bought a 1080ti and 1440 144 hz monitor in January and loving them. Next big upgrade will be a while away though, I want 4K 144hz but 100 fps at the same time.
I am 45, used to be into building PC’s ina big way and staying fully updated with the latest tech (spent a fortune over the years)
I have seen sense with older age, latest technology is now ridiculously priced.
I built my current rig 10 years ago (at the time spending £2500-£3000) have done a few ‘basic’ tweaks since (eg switched to Xeon 5675 to squeeze a bit longer out of it, added ssd etc).

Just about to upgrade to UW1440 & gfx card, then that will be it until a mobo/cpu/ram upgrade next year.
I tend to get a twinge coming into winter, where I see what I can upgrade for a justifiable investment that will last me the longest time - to make whichever game I am playing run just that little bit better throughout the colder months and dark nights (COD or Bf series games).

We have a small group of us ‘oldies’ that used to run our own clan & server back in the cod1 & cod2 days.....still get together occasionally for some online fun & pisstaking on the headsets at the same time.

Reminiscing, I do miss the old days, modern gaming is simply full of hackers and 10 year olds trying to pretend they are adults.....sadly.
My god, there are more like me!

Got back into PC gaming 5 years ago and have built probably 5 rigs in that time. Started cheap and used, and have spent obsessive amounts of time reading, scouring eBay, comparing specs...

I'm very much into modding as I'm an electronic engineer and have plenty of tools. So half the fun of a PC is the build, definitely. Luckily as I'm still buying second hand parts I can spend time looking, and not break the bank. But I definitely spend more time fiddling with a build or looking for parts, than I do gaming.

If I could build 2-3 PCs a year and break even selling them, I'd love it! Gaming would be a MORE sensible use of my time.
I am 45, used to be into building PC’s ina big way and staying fully updated with the latest tech (spent a fortune over the years)
I have seen sense with older age, latest technology is now ridiculously priced.
I built my current rig 10 years ago (at the time spending £2500-£3000) have done a few ‘basic’ tweaks since (eg switched to Xeon 5675 to squeeze a bit longer out of it, added ssd etc).

Just about to upgrade to UW1440 & gfx card, then that will be it until a mobo/cpu/ram upgrade next year.
I tend to get a twinge coming into winter, where I see what I can upgrade for a justifiable investment that will last me the longest time - to make whichever game I am playing run just that little bit better throughout the colder months and dark nights (COD or Bf series games).

We have a small group of us ‘oldies’ that used to run our own clan & server back in the cod1 & cod2 days.....still get together occasionally for some online fun & pisstaking on the headsets at the same time.

Reminiscing, I do miss the old days, modern gaming is simply full of hackers and 10 year olds trying to pretend they are adults.....sadly.

Just purchased a brand new GTX 1080 ti MSI Duke & Asus Predator Z35P - looking forward to getting them set up tomorrow all been well.....if my wall mount arrives from Amazon in the morning.
Hoping my rig does not bottleneck the card too much so I can squeeze a bit longer out of it (ideally to next year)
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