He doesn't understand any of what he is saying nor is he trying to understand what we say or the sources provided which leads to fruitless posting.
I've been quietly following this thread from the start, and it's obvious that those who believe in "Creationism" have a set view based of how they have been told how the universe works. A religious dogma that varies dependant on their chosen religion. Which is odd, I would have thought if there is really only one "God" they would all be singing from the same hymn sheet so to speak.
While I believe in the theory of evolution and for me it has to be a "theory" because it is still evolving in it's own right. I am sure over time a full understanding of the "Cambrain Explosion" will come about and many more things that have yet to be discovered. That for me is the crux of the matter, science looks for answers, it throws it's theories, evidence and methods open to the greater community for review and is prepared to change or be modified by new discoveries. It simply says that as of this moment, this is our best evidence that we can test to confirm out theory.
A few hundred years ago the the "Church" had us believe that the earth was the centre of everything, that the sun revolved around the earth. Now we know that the earth is all but a spec of dust in a huge universe. My favourite quote is
“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.”
― Arthur C. Clarke
I have no doubt at all that if life started here it will have begun somewhere else.
Imo random progression is a better way to think of evolution, it doesn't "have a plan" to make better stronger, faster animals. It simply creates changes. Now if those changes give whatever animal an advantage they prosper, if those changes disadvantage the animal they may become extinc, or dependant on enviroment find another niche. The beauty of evolution is it's very, very simple, it simply takes time. Of course if you think the earth is only 6000 years old you've probably got a few more problems to get your head round than just evolution.
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