Any retail shopfloor workers working on Christmas eve?

You wouldn't understand!
There are no jobs here for an entirely made up number of miles, what do you expect people to do, make a job up from thin air!
Once you work in retail you can never leave, because of reasons!

Was just looking around where I live out of curiosity and noticed most of the adverts have the salary advertised and most are surprisingly quite competitive - unlike in the past where often it was obscured - I guess many places are struggling to get staff at the moment - I know we didn't find it easy this year.

Surprising number of roles within reasonable travel distance of me - I guess like above many places are struggling to fill roles at the moment - over 700 live ads whereas when I was looking around before the pandemic was not even 20% of that.

That said not a lot of opportunities for someone who might have come straight out of school into general retail and have limited qualifications or ability to get away from the suck - probably 80% of the ads are for stuff like account manager/admin, various hardware and software engineering roles - nearly 50% are salaries in excess of 40K.

That leaves stuff like support workers, general retail and warehouse work which isn't exactly a way to get away from dealing with the general public (and to be honest I'd only wish my worst enemy into some of these roles knowing the kind of conditions and high staff turnover of those kind of jobs).

Actually kind of tempted to put in a few CVs some surprisingly well paying jobs around here currently that I'm qualified for which I bet won't be the case if I'm actually looking for a new job - but I'm kind of comfortable where I am currently.
Not me but it'll be interesting to drop in here throughout the day to see any up to date reports and to read about people deciding to turn up five/four minutes to closing time and coming up with
'But it isn't ten o'clock yer'
'I'll only be two minutes (then spend half the time on facebook slagging the shop staff off and saying how selfish we are , text messaging, checking emails, making phonecalls then just leave THEIR shopping in the middle of the aisle/at the till and walk out. People like that don't realise that the staff have to put THEIR shopping back for them).
'I've only want a couple of small items'
'Go on. It's Christmas'
'Where's your Chirstmas spirit?'
'I'm writing to head office'
and the sad facebook post/Daily mail sad face look and title 'you've just ruined my family's christmas'

Sounds like these retail workers hate their job... Thats life get over it
I think a few of you here are getting your knickers in a twist about this whole, customers coming in just before closing time thing.
The whole issue is when a customer comes in with a few minutes remaining of the store being open and expecting to do a full weeks shop, expecting to have someone on a fresh food counter to serve them a fresh joint of meat, make a pizza to order. They are more likely to expect a shop floor free of clutter and pallets and people filling shelves back up.

Staff working in retail are fine with someone coming in last thing for a pack of tobacco, or a frozen pizza and garlic bread, some milk or a other simple to pick up item. If the customer expected 5 star full availability of all products, thats when the **** hits the fan.
I kinda expect the shop to have all facilities up and running up till closing time...

If they don't, is cus they refuse to pay people right
I kinda expect the shop to have all facilities up and running up till closing time...

If they don't, is cus they refuse to pay people right
Would you expect Morrisons to still be cooking chickens at 10 minutes to close? Have someone making pizzas till close? A butcher still have his block not cleaned just in case someone wants a joint or steak cutting?
Would you expect Morrisons to still be cooking chickens at 10 minutes to close? Have someone making pizzas till close? A butcher still have his block not cleaned just in case someone wants a joint or steak cutting?
Chicken no.

Rest yes.

They can clean after the store closes.

They can be given time to do so.

The only reason they don't, is because they don't want to pay the extra to staff.
And that's the crux of it all. The shop workers should be paid for working outside shop opening hours. If they are expected to work for free then that's the problem.

I would imagine there is a legal issue there as well if staff are regularly expected to work outwith their contracted hours without pay.
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