Any retail shopfloor workers working on Christmas eve?

Who do you work for?
Near me tesco open at 6am and close at midnight I guess technically the extra 1 hour in the morning and at night are when the staff would ordinarily have been getting the store prepared and no customers would be allowed in.

I don't think the customer should get the blame though. it's not our fault if you have an impossible closing time and are pretty much expected by your employer to spend extra time without pay.

it's not the customers fault though is it! your employer expects you to work for free obviously.

if you worked on a factory line that closed at 8, you only got paid till 8.

but you were expected to clean and disinfect your area, put all your tools away, check nothing is left behind etc... unpaid.... its your own fault no one elses.

you'd probably complain to your boss that the line isn't switched off at 7:50pm since there's no customer to blame

I'm talking about how it was and maybe still is for those in the Boots group of companies. This used to include Halfords and of course Boots were also sold off many years ago too. It used to be that in a high street store you were paid for 9am to 5.30pm 5 days a week with an hours lunch break that was unpaid, so 37.5 hours per week. This took no account of having to be in the store before and after it closed for it to function, such as putting tills on and taking them off, doing final till reads, end of day procedure on back office computer.
Yeah but you were replying to me, not him.

Also wage theft is the most common form of theft, so I don't find it hard to believe companies would try and pull that.
Normally by this time on a Friday afternoon as the past few Fridays have gone, I'd be less than an hour into a 3-8 shift and depending on who's in charge and what's going on I'd end up wanting to carry out a DOOM 2016/Eternal style glory kill on them after so longor wanting to ram a trolley full of stock into somebody due to the stress and grief.

There's nothing like a good session on DOOM/DOOM ETERNAL/THE DOOM ETERNAL DLC/WOLFENSTEIN-THE NEW COLOSSUS after a stressful day on the shopfloor.
I went into Tesco last night at 11.15, I thought it closed at 12 so I was legging it around doing a full Christmas dinner shop, got done and checked out with 99% of my list, walked out the store 11.55, knackered but chuffed with my shopping speed. Only to realise it was 24 hours and I had all night...:cry:
Maybe ask on MumsNet I think you're in the minority on this forum for shop workers.
Yeah but you were replying to me, not him.

Also wage theft is the most common form of theft, so I don't find it hard to believe companies would try and pull that.

And its rampant in retail because most retail companies are tighter than a gnat's arse.

Most places will pay based on staff shifts that align with opening or closing hours or both if it's high street without staggered shifts.
This thread was really for reports from shop floor workers to give whenever they had the chance and if possible.
Cheesefest probably can't reply because she's working and wouldn't you know she's not allowed her phone on the shop floor because a customer might say she was taking pictures for social media! As if she'd take pictures of customers in work, but then you can't believe how stupid customers are they'll say anything!

Get me another gin!
Get me another gin!

I don't do gin but I've got a pouffe containg:-
2 bottles of smirnoff and coke
2 cans of smirnoff and cranberry
3 330ml bottles of prosecco
1 bottle Strawberry Sours
1 bottler rasberry Sours
1 bottle Tia Maria
1 bottle chambord
1 bottle Taylor's Port
1 bottle amaretto
1 big bottle prosecco
a few cans of Kronenbourg
It's annoying when retail workers complain tbh. I worked in a smaller city centre retail shop for 3 years and a large supermarket in a very deprived area for another 3. I also worked over Christmas in fashion shops for 2 years running. All of these were literally the easiest jobs ever and unless you're a store manager customers are just like hot air horns and you don't actually have to do much for them. The only thing about the job is that it's boring hence why I left. Stop moaning and just get on with it.
And they expect you to do them a favour by coming in on your day off, starting early, doing an extra hour on that day but when you want a favour back, it has to be on their terms only and when it suits them.

And putting the sale on, on Christmas Eve ready for Boxing Day.
It's annoying when retail workers complain tbh. I worked in a smaller city centre retail shop for 3 years and a large supermarket in a very deprived area for another 3. I also worked over Christmas in fashion shops for 2 years running. All of these were literally the easiest jobs ever and unless you're a store manager customers are just like hot air horns and you don't actually have to do much for them. The only thing about the job is that it's boring hence why I left. Stop moaning and just get on with it.

You were lucky to get it easy. Most of the time someone is breathing down your neck and you're under staffed so basically have the broom up your rear and being called in the middle of your breaks or lunch.
This thread has turned into another whine by people unwilling to sort themselves out.
Nearly 30 years of Supermarket and Hospitality experience here. 90% of the general public I served were dicks. Coming into store with minutes spare, by the time they got round to the butchery it was 15-20 minutes after store closing time, expecting one of us to open up a primal of meat only to dirty our block again and having to cut it and weight it, again, dirtying another piece of equipment. Then onto wrapping it up in film and a tray. Had to do a full block clean down again, scales sanitised along with washing tools, taking out a rubbish sack with literally packaging from one bit of meat. Mop the floor again.


**** you general public.

Had this happen many a time. Glad I am out of it, really I am. I feel for staff now. From my time served, it only got worse as people generally became more 'entitled'.
Having been in that business for many years I never go into a store/shop later than an hour before closing only because I know what it does to the staff. I wait patiently, I tell rude customers to shut up and stop being a rude to the staff, and if it's busy and I want something thats off sale I will never ask as it's a burden on them. They will either say its sold out or will 'take a look in the back' which means 'I'll go out back and **** around for 5 minutes just to come to you and say, nah, all gone mate'.

Hell, I even take dumped food stuff thats been dumped on a ambient shelf back to staff or if I see it dumped by a customer I would probably but it back in a fridge or freezer if I deem it cool enough.
Customers are really ****** people sometimes. It's even worse in Hospitality.
I'm talking about how it was and maybe still is for those in the Boots group of companies. This used to include Halfords and of course Boots were also sold off many years ago too. It used to be that in a high street store you were paid for 9am to 5.30pm 5 days a week with an hours lunch break that was unpaid, so 37.5 hours per week. This took no account of having to be in the store before and after it closed for it to function, such as putting tills on and taking them off, doing final till reads, end of day procedure on back office computer.

Yep when I was a lowly supervisor/key holder for a high street chain, I got paid 9am-5.30pm but I still had to be there early if I was in charge on that particular day to put till floats on and let other staff in. Same at 5.30pm I still had to take last till off & count it etc.
Yep when I was a lowly supervisor/key holder for a high street chain, I got paid 9am-5.30pm but I still had to be there early if I was in charge on that particular day to put till floats on and let other staff in. Same at 5.30pm I still had to take last till off & count it etc.

Yep, a lot of staff do it because they're trying to get on within the company and if you get a name for being difficult you don't know if you're being passed over for promotion. It isn't right but they get away with it.
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