Who do you work for?
Near me tesco open at 6am and close at midnight I guess technically the extra 1 hour in the morning and at night are when the staff would ordinarily have been getting the store prepared and no customers would be allowed in.
I don't think the customer should get the blame though. it's not our fault if you have an impossible closing time and are pretty much expected by your employer to spend extra time without pay.
it's not the customers fault though is it! your employer expects you to work for free obviously.
if you worked on a factory line that closed at 8, you only got paid till 8.
but you were expected to clean and disinfect your area, put all your tools away, check nothing is left behind etc... unpaid.... its your own fault no one elses.
you'd probably complain to your boss that the line isn't switched off at 7:50pm since there's no customer to blame
I'm talking about how it was and maybe still is for those in the Boots group of companies. This used to include Halfords and of course Boots were also sold off many years ago too. It used to be that in a high street store you were paid for 9am to 5.30pm 5 days a week with an hours lunch break that was unpaid, so 37.5 hours per week. This took no account of having to be in the store before and after it closed for it to function, such as putting tills on and taking them off, doing final till reads, end of day procedure on back office computer.