Anybody here actually believe in all this Global Warming malarky?

How much of it is down to us isn't known. But, there are scientists working on the answer to that one right now.

The important part is that this is happening regardless of who or what is to blame.
I think its possible, but I have my doubts (sp?) at least to the scale of it. It is the victim of sensationalism especially by the media. It has niether been disproven or proven. What is needed in my opinion is blind researching grants, where reasearches are not aware of who they are funded by and are then hopefully not pressured into producing/analysing data to favor who they are being funded by while simply trying to avoid having their funding cut from under them if the funders dont like what is found.
I think humans will survive, we have bigger concerns in the near future (Iran, namely) but GW is definetely coming. I hope my children don't suffer.
Global warming is currently here. How much influence man has on it, and whether man can stop it or whether it would be a Canute like effort to turn back the sea is entirely another matter.

Given that we can't predict the weather with any great accuracy in a weeks time, let alone a months, I'll hold off on my views on the validity of the various models that are floating about.
Global Warming is 100% happening, want to know why and how I know?

By the description. "Global Warming" by definition is the Globe Warming Up :) which is what is happening. The thing that scientists aren't exactly sure on is whether it is a natural cycle or caused by human influence.

In my own opinion the burning of the fossil fuels has caused a slight blip in the long term climatic cycle the Earth regularly experiences, a small blip on the overall geological timescale of things that is. But as humans are such short lived creatures we register that blip as a huge increase, it's all down to scales of time.

We may have "blipped" the Earth's climate in the very short term (couple of generations of humans lives) but overall the Earth;s climate is stable and will recover itself, probably to the detriment to mankind.
I don't think it matters either way. I mean just imagine for one second, if it does infact exist, and if it is down to Human activity, and it does pose a threat to Human existance, and it were possible to reverse the effects, can you possibly ever imagine there would be consensus on the matter? There will never be consensus on it, and does anyone here genuinely believe there could be, given how impractical it is? You'd have to have a Worldwide dictatorship to enforce something like that.
SideWinder said:
Easier said than done. Countries such as Japan and America aren't entirely helping the situation and with parties such as yours, you need another one. Global warming, i believe, is real. Surely the evidence is around us?

LOL, my parties are causing global warming!

Is that a hint? :p
I believe it is a real and present threat to our children's futures. I also believe that it is in neither politicians' not big business's interest to admit it and, so that a few people can enjoy short-term luxury, the planet will be destroyed. Depresses the hell out of me to be honest.
Im less bothered about whos causing it mother nature or us im just worried how we are going to survive it! from what i heard the gulf stream could stop flowing to us and caus us to be like the north pole! also the icecaps melting causing the sea to rise a few meteres which will flood us !
I dont know whether global warming exists or not, I know man cannot control the earth.

However, yesterday I read in the news that mercedes sold 4.8 million cars last year, assume they use 10 gals a month, thats approx 50 million gallons a year just in mercs, now say you have 10 car manufacturers selling or making at least as many cars. Could be 500 million gallons for new cars alone.
Now considered used cars as well and double that 1 billion gallons a year at least, thats a lot of fuel being burnt.

Then consider the factories that make them, the factories that make other stuff, now because it is all spread around the world, we dont think its much, but if you put it all together at the same time like an asteroid impact then you would notice, only this is going on year after year. It cant be good. Maybe man is going to be undone by his own inginuity.

If some one could point out opecs yearly production, that would probably be a better indication of whats going on.
Yeah I believe global warming is happening. I don't believe it's entirely down to humans, I know that it is due to the cycles of the Earth to some extent, but humans have definitely had impact on the rate. There was some program on TV a while ago, can't remember what it was but basically some scientists took samples of the permafrost ice layers in the Antartic, from which they could work out the air temperatures and gas concentrations at different stages in history (due to the layers - lower layer = longer ago etc.) When graphed the results showed a pattern of continual warming and cooling cycles.
For those of you who like to go through shedloads of data to see whether you agree or disagree with global warming, can I recommend the following website :-

It takes a sceptical view towards global warming but largely because of inconsistencies in some of the data. Lots of good stuff on there but obviously carries the usual health warning in terms of bias.
Slam62 you think to much :D

If Global warming is a threat, can we prevent it? We owe it to our ancestors to use any means possible to prevent it.
Just remember one thing:

Global warming is the theory that a climate shift has been initiated by humans.

No proof. No conclusions. Evidence is too thin and far in between. Without another exact earth with no humans to study alongside our own it is impossible to say.

Want a really cool read that sums it up nicely? "State of fear" by Michael Crichton (yup, the Jurassic park guy), awsome book backed up by literally tonnes of data and research about Global warming and the general consensus towards it which is made up entirely of stupidly lacking evidence and media hype ;)
I believe in both, would like to reduce emmissions and pollution. Find efective renewable energys sources etc.
shadydelboy said:
Want a really cool read that sums it up nicely? "State of fear" by Michael Crichton (yup, the Jurassic park guy), awsome book backed up by literally tonnes of data and research about Global warming and the general consensus towards it which is made up entirely of stupidly lacking evidence and media hype ;)

Michael Crichton is not a scientist ;) .

shadydelboy said:
Just remember one thing:

Global warming is the theory that a climate shift has been initiated by humans.

That's only partly correct. Global warming doesn't have to be caused by humans. Carbon dioxide and other pollutants can come from natural sources as well.
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