I dont know whether global warming exists or not, I know man cannot control the earth.
However, yesterday I read in the news that mercedes sold 4.8 million cars last year, assume they use 10 gals a month, thats approx 50 million gallons a year just in mercs, now say you have 10 car manufacturers selling or making at least as many cars. Could be 500 million gallons for new cars alone.
Now considered used cars as well and double that 1 billion gallons a year at least, thats a lot of fuel being burnt.
Then consider the factories that make them, the factories that make other stuff, now because it is all spread around the world, we dont think its much, but if you put it all together at the same time like an asteroid impact then you would notice, only this is going on year after year. It cant be good. Maybe man is going to be undone by his own inginuity.
If some one could point out opecs yearly production, that would probably be a better indication of whats going on.