Moredhel said:
No it doesnt lie, but science has remained inconclusive as to weather or not it exists. In fact since 1998 the trend has been towards global cooling.
I'm more in favor of the cycles theory myself.
Monstor information post, please read, i put a lot of effort in
I understand that too, but look around you... the earths climate does indeed move in cycles, these events such as temperature rises and ice melting and a ton of other things have happened before, your all quite right... but you forgot something... these natural cycles happened before over hundreds if not thousands of years, not in less than a centaury which is what we are experiencing now,
here are some points you probably didn’t know, and whilst you may argue that the evidence is inconclusive as to what is causing these events, you certainly cant say that its a normal "cycle"
1) Greenhouse gases are being released 30 times faster than the rate of emissions that triggered a period of extreme global warming in the Earth's past. - Professor James Zachos of the University of California
2) September 2005 set a new record minimum in the amount of Arctic sea ice cover,"
Though there are significant variations across the region, on average the Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet,
"What we're seeing is processes in which we start to lose ice cover during the summer," he said, "so areas which formerly had ice are now open water, which is dark.
"These dark areas absorb a lot of the Sun's energy, much more than the ice; and what happens then is that the oceans start to warm up, and it becomes very difficult for ice to form during the following autumn and winter.
"It looks like this is exactly what we're seeing - a positive feedback effect, a 'tipping-point'." - Mark Serreze, National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) , Boulder, Colorado.
3) The Amazon Rain forest is currently having the worst drought in what was said initially to be 30 years, now they say its beaten 50 year records and the water levels are still dropping. The Amazon Tree’s are the Lungs of the World.
A state of emergency was declared in all 61 municipalities of Brazil's Amazonas state as the drought started affecting towns and cities further downstream.
"Witnesses say rivers and lakes have dried up completely, and millions of fish are rotting in the sun."
"Brazilian government meteorologists have said the drought is the result of unusually high temperatures in the Atlantic Ocean, that have also been linked to last year's devastating hurricanes."
which actually links us neatly to point 2, the sea temps are increasing due to a number of factors one of which are the dark water sections that were talked about in item 2... its all linked, the problem is you need to look at it as a global thing, not just one even t here, one event there...
look up the Gaia Theory developed by professor lovelock in the 70`s, its now used by scientists all over the world, though they tend to call it, "the Earth Model"
4th and final item, Watch Prof Lovelock, he’s predicted the events of the last 5 years for the last 30, and his reasons for wanting nuclear energy.