Anyone can do it.....can you

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El Razur wanted people to freestyle rap. Some people did. Hilarity ensued. Eventually it rolled around to gordyR being incredible (see the high-five thread). ElRaz for a long time refused to record one of his raps. Many said he ain't got the nads. He did, proving he got the nads.

Did that do it?

EDIT: And it's really 10 pages. Having the length threshold less than 80 posts/page is silliness.
dmpoole said:
I'd like to thank El Razur for a new skill.

Last wednesday night I gigged with another band since their singer ended up in hospital. At the end of the night this black guy started hassling me to do more encores but I told him the gear was off. He kept on and then out loud in the pub he started to use the word ****** and of course everybody turned around. I then jokingly told him that it was racist and he said it wasn't because he was a ******. I then asked him if he was a nigg e r or a nigg a zed. He said no way man, I'm a nigg ay zee. He then went into a freestyle rap.
Now imagine this - a 48 year old bloke in shorts, Slayer t-shirt who's just been singing rock blues all night. Straight off the cuff I went into a freestyle complete with my hands waving in the air -

I came to Newcastle to play The Full Moon,
I sang with Sinpusher and I stayed in tune,
I met a black dude and he made friends with me,
He wasn't a ****** but a nigg ay zee.

I made a friend for life and the rock punters were impressed.
I'm now ready to take on El.

I'd have loved to have seen that :D
Yo! It's the lyrical JSP on the MIC spittin' his lyrics on Oc
Mixin the beat of Snoop D.O Double G
Its freestyle, take ma' advice trust, just believe me
I'm hot, your not, so don't take it to heart
Make a move without my consent and i'll throw you off like Jumangee
I've got killer bars that will leave you hanging
Killer bars that are revolutionary like the X-Box 360

So ima' gona ask you mans are you foreva ready to bury a guy
When it gets nasty are you willing to see this ***** scream kick n' cry
All you gonna wanna do is just see him die, slow and sly
You can get your hands on a handgun 9mm by 9 but I bet you can't get your hands on a ride or behind a steerin' wheel just to do a ******* drive by
Sod it, put him in a box, six by nine
See this guy go, reach for the sky
Get married, have a few kids get a new life, take ma advice

It's the last verse of the freestyle, so hold up light
Don't get me wrong I can rap this **** day or night
Leave your feedback, quote me right
Just tell me "eXSBass, you're nang, you've got talent, i've got you in my eye"
Recommend me to record labels, make me a millionaire, just before I die
It's gona be the last bar of the day, so lets make this tight
It's JSP eXSBass, and that was my OcUK freestyle rhyme.

Just tryin' it :)
Alchemy said:
Anyone care to give me a short summary of 26 pages?

Elrazur started the thread. I posted in it, the thread become legendary thanks to me, because I'm brilliant. I then won $6m and had sex with a swedish supermodel.
Oh my God, i thought this thing is long dead and gone.......I read through the funny bit and i must admit tears was rolling down my check and my belly ache from laughing so much. I think this thread is a masterpiece, a story of different ideas colliding, clash of the titans and complete maddness and i love it.

Mod please archive this baby and dont prune it. :)
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iCraig said:
Elrazur started the thread. I posted in it, the thread become legendary thanks to me, because I'm brilliant. I then won $6m and had sex with a swedish supermodel.

Quoting from my biography again? :rolleyes:
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