Anyone else getting subscription burnout?

I have office 365 family subscription but that's yearly.
YT Premium

And I think that's it. I don't know how people have the time / money to watch as much tv as that. I barely watch 5hrs of tv a week.
We have Prime which is £59 annually here which pays for itself in saved delivery costs after 4-5 items out here in the sticks.

I have the 1 credit per month £7.99 Audible membership which keeps me nominally sane during hours of cleaning, gardening and waiting in the car while Herself mouches around B&M etc.

We were going to bin Spotify a couple years back, but our eldest decided to pick up the tab, so we’re freeloading.
We use to have Netflix, Prime, Disney+, 365

We have ditched streaming services, we still have 365 Family, not missed streaming services or Prime delivery, but then my Dad and the mother in law both have Prime so if need something urgent get them to order it, though last few times ordered from Amazon its come the next day
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