Anyone else getting subscription burnout?

Amazon - I cancelled this last year when they added adverts to Prime Video.
Disney - We share my sisters account.
Netflix - Might watch something on it once a month. To be honest, we could probably get away cancelling this.
Sky TV - This is one of those things I could probably cut back on. The eldest has a second SkyQ box in her room and all she watches it something called Ninja Kids which you can get on a Firestick. We hardly watch anything on Sky Cinema either.
O365 - I get this through my business, and even then, I get it through Microsoft Partner program.
Gym membership - I downgraded my membership to the basic one, saving a tenner a month.
I only had Discovery+ at £7/month, so I could watch the snooker. Yesterday, it was announced that all Eurosport content in the UK is now going to TNT Sport - and the price goes up to £31/month. Brilliant.

Cancelled my Discovery+ immediately and now I guess I can't watch the snooker anymore.

The greed of these company's knows no bounds.
Many cycling forums and Subreddits are claiming that this will be the end of cycling in the UK, at least from a watching-the-coverage point of view. It went downhill when GCN lost coverage to Eurosport. With a price jump as much as this, it highlights a sad state of affairs for consumers.
Many cycling forums and Subreddits are claiming that this will be the end of cycling in the UK, at least from a watching-the-coverage point of view. It went downhill when GCN lost coverage to Eurosport. With a price jump as much as this, it highlights a sad state of affairs for consumers.
I can see the point of them price gouging for sports such as football since there are SO many fans that at least a few of them will pay. But things like snooker and cycling are so niche - I don't see many wanting to spend the money.

Oh well what can you do?
We have:
  • Sky + Netflix
  • Spotify Family
  • 1Password
  • Switch Online + expansion pass
  • Amazon Prime
  • Google One
Thinking of ditching Prime, as we mainly have it for the free delivery, but the number of Amazon orders we've been placing has been gradually reducing over the past few years, and the fact they've now started putting ads in, even though you're paying for the subscription is a bit of a urine-take.

The rest of them we get decent value for I think, the only other one we'd consider ditching is Sky - maybe when the kids get a bit older, but for now the only way to get a bit of housework done is to sit the youngest down in front of the TV for an hour :p
Cars are basically a subscription model nowadays, due to the cost of purchasing them.

I have noticed more and more that I seem to be in a minority of people who actually buy their car. The years I’ve owned a car outright have meant free motoring bar servicing.

Are second hand cars now so expensive that people can’t afford them so PCP or Leasing is the only viable options for someone wanting something semi good?
I have noticed more and more that I seem to be in a minority of people who actually buy their car. The years I’ve owned a car outright have meant free motoring bar servicing.

Are second hand cars now so expensive that people can’t afford them so PCP or Leasing is the only viable options for someone wanting something semi good?

I’ve quickly learned.

I bought my S5 on finance and hated it. I sold it pretty quickly and paid off the finance.

I then bought a much cheaper car which I owned outright, loving every moment of it.

I was lucky enough to afford to get an even nicer car not long after, but again bought it outright.

I have the electric car on lease, but it feels different, I think because it’s a tool.

I wouldn’t want to sink £400 a month into a “nice to have” - the electric car is very much a “a to b” job.

Once the lease is up though, I will be buying the next car outright. Just a better place to be knowing it’s owned.
I have my car on finance, but it's because there's no way I could just afford to buy it and I was given a 4-year 0% deal. I intend to pay the final payment and keep it for as long as it lasts (my previous car, the same model, lasted over 14 years).
Ideally, I wouldn't even need a car, but public transport is constantly becoming more expensive and less use, that it's almost an essential. I hate driving, but there's not much choice.
Many cycling forums and Subreddits are claiming that this will be the end of cycling in the UK, at least from a watching-the-coverage point of view. It went downhill when GCN lost coverage to Eurosport. With a price jump as much as this, it highlights a sad state of affairs for consumers.

Apparently Cricket and F1 weren't enough of a warning/.
I have noticed more and more that I seem to be in a minority of people who actually buy their car. The years I’ve owned a car outright have meant free motoring bar servicing.

It's a bit misleading to say it's "free" though (unless you were gifted that car). Granted it's almost certainly cheaper than leasing overall, and if you keep the car for 20-30 years, then the purchase cost is going to be negligible in terms of total cost of ownership (although by that point the maintenance costs aren't going to be insignificant!)
Spotify — get it free through work

Amazon Prime — I was getting free through Vitality life insurance, but it will renew in April for £95/year

Netflix — £119.88/year

Disney+ — pay for this through Tesco vouchers so it only costs me if I forget to cancel and resub using the vouchers

Apple 2TB Storage — £107.88/year

YT Premium — £59.52/year (via VPN), but I think I'm going to bin this off.

Google Workspace — £72/year

Office 365 — I've just cancelled so will save myself £80/year

TrainerDay (A cheaper version of TrainerRoad) — £32/year

TV Licence — £169.50/year


So around £500/year on subs.
I have noticed more and more that I seem to be in a minority of people who actually buy their car. The years I’ve owned a car outright have meant free motoring bar servicing.

Are second hand cars now so expensive that people can’t afford them so PCP or Leasing is the only viable options for someone wanting something semi good?
You earn well above the top 1% of the UK so I don't think you're a fair comparison tbh.

The average millennial on an average wage wanting a new marque car will not be able to afford to buy said car outright.
(The choice to drive said car is questionable if that means living hand-to-mouth...keeping up with the Joneses I guess)
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YouTube premium
Prime (free through work)
iCloud basic plans x2

We swap in Netflix, HBO etc from time to time when something comes up.
i actively refuse subscription were possible..
i have only 1 i can think of :
Mobile phone contract - changed to a monthly contract from 12/24month - i buy phone outright and dont need latest and greatest and having options to change plan on a monthly basis suits me.

i've had :
amazon prime

but they just frustrate me after a while for one reason or another.

Dentist and optons offer subscription services, but again i prefer fixed costs.

everything is trying to go subscripion,its rather frustrating. the phrase "death by a thousand cuts" comes to mind "or bleeding dry"
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