Anyone else had a handwritten letter from the JW recently?

Write one back?

Dear future disciples,
Satan is here waiting for you, don't be fooled by your endeavours your names on my list, see you soon.
They'd not get a letter from me, my handwriting is awful. 'Prince' was a JW, they are obligated to try and save you I guess, seems quite a mild attempt no harm in it.

its more complicated than that, they think once they have got around to giving everyone a chance then everyone who was not drawn to them will suddenly be seriously life impaired. i studied with them for a couple of months and they were not in the slightest bit messing about
its more complicated than that, they think once they have got around to giving everyone a chance then everyone who was not drawn to them will suddenly be seriously life impaired. i studied with them for a couple of months and they were not in the slightest bit messing about

I kinda get what you're saying but if you (the generic you rather than the personal you) don't believe what they believe then what they think/believe is of no import to you.

Assuming they don't take actions that interfer with me living my life as I chose (and in accordance with my own beliefs) then any head space of mine they occupy is because I've given it to them surely. As far as I'm concerned they're free to think what they like and I'm free to be unaffected by that so long as we can be civil when we cross paths. Good neighbours don't have to think alike.
its more complicated than that, they think once they have got around to giving everyone a chance then everyone who was not drawn to them will suddenly be seriously life impaired. i studied with them for a couple of months and they were not in the slightest bit messing about
Pick up any Bible. Like, any of them. In the Old Testament, you'll find an account of the flood which wiped out most of humanity. This is just what it says. I'm just stating this as a stone-cold fact, not preaching or anything. It's there if you want to read it.

Then in the New Testament you'll find a lot of scriptures that talk about the end of the world as we know it ("Armageddon").

These are not things you have to hear from the JW's. I'm just saying, this stuff is right there in the Bible.

I'm actually kind of surprised you don't hear the Church of England or Catholics or whatever talking about it. But for whatever reason they don't seem to. They seem to ignore those parts of the Bible entirely. /shrug
Got another one, they're getting lazy now though. Printed and photocopied letter with hand written name. He did include about four leaflets though for us to read chuck straight in the bin.

Got another one, they're getting lazy now though. Printed and photocopied letter with hand written name. He did include about four leaflets though for us to read chuck straight in the bin.


Blimey! They've discovered Fordism and mass production! That puts them at the start of the 20th century, so hopefully won't be long before they absorb rationalism properly and this all ends :D

At least until they discover populism and throw their entire sociological and economical ethos into chaos, ending in a fiery apocalypse....

Oh! Wait! Isn't that the end of the book anyway :cry:
Got another one, they're getting lazy now though. Printed and photocopied letter with hand written name. He did include about four leaflets though for us to read chuck straight in the bin.


I have never had any return here since accusing the last one of lying about being a JW and accusing him of trying to have an affair with my wife, I think being wild eyed, filthy dirty with a crowbar in my hand and a bleedin' big dog alongside me helped make him think there were easier catches to be had :) They are great fun!
I have delivered a few on my round in the last few months. I used hate to seeing jw on the street I’m delivering too, customers don’t answer their door when I knock as they think it’s the jw again. I end up shouting it’s the postie and then they open up!
The 'h' in 'he', when referring to God should be capitalised. Unnecessary comma after 'tears'. So much unnecessary capitalisation. I suppose we should Praise the Lord there's no unnecessary apostrophes. Half the forum could learn from the JWs :cry:

You should write back to them stating '4/10, see me' :D
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