Anyone else had a handwritten letter from the JW recently?

I appreciate FoxEye may have a different view on this and I respect that but my 55 years of being involved with this organisation leads me to know its is a cult and a dangerous one that tears families apart and wastes / destroys the lives of good people.

If you made it this far, thank you for reading my wall of text!
I try to take a completely dispassionate view of things. Which is easy for me because I'm a cold-hearted bar steward :p

I can see where you're coming from, even if I think perhaps your experience has left you a little resentful, if I may say so. There are of course people who I know who have left/been disfellowshipped. I don't think it's all that uncommon.

You and I both know that JWs believe there is scriptural evidence for everything they do. Including the no-contact rules. But more than that, they believe they have the best interests of everyone (literally) at heart. There is no malice that I have ever observed. Just a very strict set of principals.

One interpretation of those principles is that the JWs are a cult, and the rules are designed to bound the JWs together in opposition to non-JWs. To create a siege mentality and make it difficult to leave.

Another interpretation is that those rules and principles are backed by scripture and designed to protect the clean standing of the congregation before God. That is what the JWs themselves will of course tell you.

It's very easy to see cult-like behaviour, and indeed you will find no lack of agreement from JWs themselves. One conversation I had with a JW included this remark: "The Witnesses aren't a cult, but they do everything in their power to look like one."

Not every JW will agree with that statement but there are plenty who do. The organisation/leadership, tho generally agreed to be acting in good faith, is not immune to any criticism, even from within.
Ive made peace with the knowledge that I did not have a normal upbringing but I am grateful that I can give my children the upbringing that I did not have and one that is unconditional.

I think it would be normal to be resentful of the fact that my relationship with my parents and family could be removed at any time but there is little I can do to change that other than to keep my head down and bite my tongue.

I agree that they believe they are acting scripturally but based on their own New World translation of the bible, one that they have revised on several occasions including inserting the name Jehovah over 7000 times.
I'm not a fan of any religion, however having read the last few pages this cult sounds particularly awful. The letter in the OP is surely an example of an organisation attempting to prey on emotionally/mentally vulnerable people?

I can only assume there's money changing hands somewhere down the line, which would rank that letter in the same category as the Nigerian lottery guy etc.
This came through a few days ago addressed to 'The householder'.


I assume that because they're not allowed to go bashing on doors, they're writing letters to people.

If any of them knock here, they just get a polite "No thanks" and I close the door but I wonder how many people have received similar letters recently.

Please don't turn this into a pro or anti religion thread, I'm just interested to know how widespread this practise is.

/edit - I've also not used the full name so that if they regularly search for mentions then they won't find this thread ;)

Never seen or heard of it but they're left to get on with it as they see fit so its very much a personal decision from whoever involved - someone in my family got involved with them for a while was very enthusiastic convert until she did something they didn't like/agree with and they fell out spectacularly -
We recieved one this morning from the next town over (it has their address on it). I wonder if they write to everyone in between or pick certain households to write to, perhaps it's methodical, perhaps they have a large dart board.
Hello I'm JW. Sending letters has been part of the way we try to reach people to let them know about the benefits of studying the Bible. But now that the situation around the world changed (COVID) it has become a really important part of the way we preach.
We do not have an obligatory amount of time to preach each month, but some of us are more dedicated than others and make arrangements to spend some minutes, some hours or even 30, 50, 70 or more each month.
The letters could be handwritten or printed. This preaching work is being made around the world (currently by letter).
I hope this clarify your question. Glad to help.

Yeah exactly, anytime i've had experience with them a kind "No thanks that's not for me" does the job and everyone goes their own way happy :)

In fact it is not our purpose to bother you, so a kind "no thanks" is nice.
We received a handwritten letter tonight.

I honestly don't understand why they take the time to write these over and over instead of using a computer and a printer. Do they think we will think it's more personal? I just think they've wasted their time.
We received a handwritten letter tonight.

I honestly don't understand why they take the time to write these over and over instead of using a computer and a printer. Do they think we will think it's more personal? I just think they've wasted their time.
I'm not sure it's mandated that they have to be hand-written or not. Possibly the person you received a letter from does not have a PC or a printer - bear in mind unless you know who it is they could be some retired lady or gent.

I watch my mum writing these things and I know how much time and effort she puts into them. Perhaps if you could see that you'd understand a bit more. You're still free of course to think religion is a sham or whatever, but the letters are genuine.

At the end of the day it does no harm. The JWs are basically a Christian denomination with a particularly strong focus on preaching. It is their raison d'etre. I would be 99% confident that the person sending them thinks they have your best interests at heart. They literally get nothing out of it except the satisfaction of doing their preaching work. The letters won't ask for money or anything like that.
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