Anyone else still riding?

7 Oct 2009
Just wondering how many of us haven't put their toy back in the box for winter?

Personally I'm still riding my FZR everyday as I hate driving and it's much cheaper/more fun.

I ain't scared of no winter :D:p

Though I think I might start riding my kmx as I don't want the old girl to rust from the salt tbh.
Toy? It's my only transport.

Although had a bit of a heart stopping moment, put my foot down and it just slid out. Thought I was going to drop it. But saved it.
Toy? It's my only transport.

Was it not obvious that I wasn't being literal? Many apologies, I did not want to belittle your only transport. :p

What are you riding out of curiosity? Also, what do you mean by , 'I put my foot down'? Was this stationary and it was a slippy surface or something?
Intent is lost on the Internet. Wasn't meant to be seriouse

Yep stationery and foot just slid out.
Xj900 nice and comfy around town, slightly skitty at cough motorway speeds.
Funnily enough I was looking at a few XJs on the bay. Seem to be a fairly decent bike for the money people want for them.

Oh right, I've never even thought of that happening. :eek: Too busy worrying about cornering, pulling away and stopping.

I think I'll start taking precautions whenever I put my foot down from now on then...
as above, my only transport my fazer.

had a nervous ride last week, back end wouldn't stay straight !

Really? I haven't had any problems like this yet. Where abouts are you? We haven't had any snow or anything here and it's only icyish late at night and early morning, other than that it's just wet.
Nope. Haven't been out on the RSV for months. Combination of weather, work and 10 month old son. :)

Bike has been sat here looking bored, hooked up to a Datatool battery conditioner thingy. I'm waiting for the first dry road day in the next few weeks so I can get out for a shakedown. Trouble is, it will need to coincide with a day my other half is at home to look after the rug rat. :(
I am still riding... but I am getting fed of of over confident idiots in cars thinking its fine being 10 foot off my butt in wet weather...

had one think it was fine to over take me when I was going the speed limit and didn't see a police car at a junction coming up ahead, the driver wrong sided of an island at speed, driver gave me a dirty look as I went past him having a chat with the police officer.

had another car today on a double laned exit on a round about almost force me off the road as he attempted an over take even though there was a slow tanker lorry in front of me that he couldn't get past and the double lane had already run out.

diesel is the worst, I am alway looking out for the large patches so I dodge one on a roundabout and a car passing me on the outside spins out into a barrier, I am guessing because I slowed down to avoid it he thought I was just being slow and powered round, there was no way I could pull over to see if he was alright but other cars stopped. I just called in the diesel spill later on when I got to work.
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Been out on mine the past few days as I sold my van so it's my only transport. The gore-tex did its job today... 1hr up the M1 from Sheffield towards York in miserable conditions, admittedly not that cold though.

Kit is drying in front of the fire this evening :)
I have a Sprint for normal road use, and a Yamaha 350 XT for when it gets really bad and which I also use for off roading.

Hasn't got nearly bad enough here in Coventry to consider starting the XT up.

I have bought some ACF-50 though to protect against road salt.
yep still riding and will unless its horrendous. rode all through last christmas on my old hayabusa apart from a couple of days of bad snow
How effective is that stuff against rust? I'd rather keep riding my fzr but she's in almost mint condition and I don't want to spoil that.

Just enjoy your bike and wash it once a week! Put acf50 on your frame and exposed parts of the engine, dont put it anywhere near your brake discs :)

It works as a very good preventitive layer.
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